How ArcGIS Open Data Uses S3 to Deploy Web Applications

Jason Wieringa | | @jwieringa

You've written your web application!



Where can I see it?

Let's just spin up a server...


Install a web server like Apache...


Transfer the files to the machine...


Not that bad.. right?

People love your application!


So much, they complain when it stops working!

What fixing servers at 3:00 in the morning feels like

And complex deploys always work... Right?


+ Create an AWS S3 bucket

+ Use Gulp to deploy the app

+ Adjust caching rules

+ Profit

Amazon S3

Infinite (probably) object storage.


Also comes with...

Website Hosting!

Demo Creating a Bucket with Hosting


So What did We Get?

+ Easy Deployment
+ Worry free hosting
+ Fairly cheap

+ Fine grained caching rules
+ Scales without you thinking

How we feel about S3

The Links

What I did not cover

How ArcGIS Open Data Uses S3 to Deploy Web Applications

By Jason Wieringa

How ArcGIS Open Data Uses S3 to Deploy Web Applications

Esri Devsummit Speedgeeking 2015

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