Silf is a remote laboratory,
but also a framework for your
remote laboratory.
A Remote laboratory
Silf is a remote laboratory in which students use their browsers to inteact with real hardware in our laboratories, to perform physical experiments.
Most of our experiments require specialized hardware that would be hard to obtain or operate at school.
Gamma radiation attenuation
Intensity of gamma radiation that passes through matter decreases. It is described by following law:
I(x) = I_0 \exp{(-\mu x)}
Gamma radiation attenuation
Our experiment enables student to test this law. They can observe intensity (number of counts on GM counter) after radiation passes by absorbers made from different materials of different witdth.
Quick example
Results for Aluminium

Results for Lead

User support
- Detailed instructions for each experiments are provided.
- We are also implementing chatbots, that can perform whole experimetns by themselves and provide valuable commentary.
- As of today we have chatbot for single experiment.
Silf is a remote laboratory,
but also a framework for your
remote laboratory.
Silf has many technical strongpoints
- There is a single HTML 5 client that is controls are dynamically generated (see this presentation)
- Protocols are well defined and each part can be replaced with another
- Wherever we could we rely on standard protocols like: HTTP, XMPP
Thank for your attention
SILF Silf is a remote laboratory , but also a framework for your remote laboratory.
By Jacek Bzdak
- 1,502