Introduction to Digital Humanities

Jessica Dauterive, Digital Humanities Consultant

Mellon Humanities Postdoctoral Fellows Program

Today's Goals

Foundations of DH

What's next?


  • Research and analysis : how you find, analyze, and process your resources

  • Publication : how you share your research with the public
  • Building community : how to connect with or incorporate people into your research

How does DH fit into our work?

Build with intention

  • Ask why: What are the project's main goals? How can digital tools help you achieve those?

Do no harm

  • Reflect on ethical impacts of sharing resources and stories on the web

Embrace failure

  • Ask yourself: is the solution troubleshooting, using a new tool or model, or going low or no tech?


  • Resources
    • Mellon Fellowship Digital Guide
    • NPS Digital Community
  • Building community
    • One-on-ones
    • Tech Checks
    • Teams channel
  • Events and programming
    • Webinars on DH contexts
    • Workshops on technical tools and project skills
    • Reading and working groups

What's Next


By jdauteri


  • 152