1. Have a goal for your prototype!
Have your tool(s) in mind--your prototype should mimic the final design of your project without you having to learn the tool just yet.
2. Draw one sketch per screen.
Think about how users will move through your story. If there is a "click," then start a new page.
3. Draw in pen/use color intentionally.
Make your work legible. Use color to create consistency or emphasize certain parts of your design.
Must be hand-drawn.
Draw on paper and digitize, or draw with some kind of digital pen/software.
Must show that you've thought through story, sources, and tools.
We will be workshopping these, so take advantage of the time to test your ideas. Also, be prepared to tell us directly what tools you are thinking of here.
Does not need to be fine art, but needs to be orderly and clear.
Do not sketch something out five minutes before class.
Paper Prototyping
By jdauteri
Paper Prototyping
- 393