

Hello there friend. I am a bee, or Apis, in Latin.


We, the bees, have been around for many millennia, pollinating plants and flowers, existing in harmony with the other animals, including you, the humans.

Introduction the last few 
brothers and sisters have been 
dying off, or abandoning their hives.

This is a very serious problem, 
not just for you and I, 
but for all animals.

What is happening?

It is a sad story. As I stated before, my brothers and sisters are dying off or abandoning their hives suddenly. 

I believe I know why they are dying or abandoning their hive.

Pesticides. They are being sprayed on the crops that we pollinate, and when we come into contact with the plant with pesticide on it, it makes us sick. So sick that we die shortly after. 

Why should you care?

"Why should I care about bees?" You may ask. Why indeed. 

You should care because without us bees, the plants and flowers will not get pollinated. If that does not happen, then the plants and flowers won't grow.

Which, in turn, means no fruits and veggies for animals to eat. No food for the animals like chickens, cows and pigs, that humans eat on a daily basis.

That is why you should care.

Why should you care?

PANNA (Pesticide Action Network North America) says:
According to a recent UN report of the 100 crops that provide 90% of the world's food, over 70 are pollinated by bees.

SumOfUs is fighting against Bayer, who uses neonics

What can you do?

You can help us by signing the petitions that are aimed at protecting us from the poisonous pesticides! 

Please, help us. 
We need you, 
and you need us.

Bees are very important




By jennifer-campney