Angular 2

2 is a bigger number than 1, True Story.

Why it be
What it do
How you do

Angular 2 is pretty different

Consider the Timeline

  • Angular was first developed in 2009
    • Knockout, backbone, jQuery
  • Then came HTML5 and angular and frameworks!

Why the changes

New Things

  • ES6
  • Isomorphic rendering
  • More complex apps with demanding performance requirements
  • Web Components
  • Explosion of useful Javascript libraries

Why the changes



The dom is kinda like this

Angular 1.x was kind of  like this



the dom

by Angular 2


Components are how things are built in angular.

  • Applied to a class using a decorator
  • Selector is the name used to identify the component to other components 
  • Mustache brackets here to stay

Template Bindings

  • Bind to any DOM property


  • Bind to nested properties


  • Styles and classes included

Template Bindings

  • Handle DOM event
    • Any DOM event


  • Two way binding
    • One way bind to title
    • handle titleChanged DOM event

#Variables & Embedded templates

  • Variables allow us to reference elements by naming them with a #
  • * will turn the current element into an embedded template

Why the *

These are the same

Built in Directives - pt 1

  • ngIf toggles whether elements are on the DOM.
  • Use [style.display] to toggle the display property

ngSwitch for conditional layouts

Built in Directives - pt 2

ngClass for multiple classes

*ngFor for repeating an element

Nested Components




by Angular 2




A Service - Pt 1

  • ES6/Typescript Class
  • Import and use other pieces as needed


A service - pt 2

  • Import and register as a provider


  • This is more javascript less angular

A service - pt 3

  • Include in constructor using Type


  • Is a singleton instance


Some Gotchas

  • Silent errors when you forget to include something as a directive or a provider
  • "A browser ignores HTML tags and attributes that it doesn't recognize. So does Angular"
    • directives: [HeroDetailComponent]
  • * are important on certain directives
  • Many examples are in Typescript
  • Providers are nested, re-registration makes a new instance
  • HTTP gives you an observable, not a promise

Prepping for 1.x to 2

  • Migrate to Typescript
  • Use 'require' or 'import' via gulp/webpack/babel 
  • Write components using directives
    • templateUrl
    • Controller (ControllerAs)
    • Isolated scope
    • Nest them and pass data through the isolate scope
  • Use the UpgradeAdapter 

Angular 1 component

See component API in Angular 1.5


  • More Javascript less 'Angular'
    • Flexibility
    • Interoperability
    • Swappability
    • Modifiability
  • Modular component tree structure
  • More explicit in its syntax
  • Still Learning curve
  • Keeping:
    • Dependency Injection
    • Declarative template syntax
    • Toolbox of useful things like HTTP

Jeremy Robertson

Angular 2 Crash Course

By Jeremy Robertson

Angular 2 Crash Course

  • 3,518