CS110: Principles of Computer Systems

Spring 2021
Instructors Roz Cyrus and Jerry Cain
Pre Lecture 04: Filesystem Design, System Calls, and Introduction to Multiprocessing


Filesystem Data Structures

  • The OS maintains a data structure for each active process. These data structures are called process control blocks and are stored in a process table.
  • Process control blocks store many things (the user who launched it, the time it was launched, etc.). Among the many items it stores: the descriptor table.
  • Each process maintains its own set of descriptors. Descriptors 0, 1, and 2 generally refer to standard input, standard output, and standard error, but there are no predefined meanings for descriptors 3 and up. Descriptors 0, 1, and 2 are most often bound to the terminal.
  • A user program treats the descriptor as the identifier needed to interact with a resource (most often a file) via read, write and close calls. Internally, that descriptor is an index into the descriptor table.
  • The process control block tracks which descriptors are in use and which ones aren't. When allocating a new descriptor for a process, the OS typically chooses the smallest available number in that process's descriptor table.

Filesystem Data Structures

  • If a descriptor table entry is in use, it
    maintains a link to an open file table
    . An open file table entry maintains
    information about an active session with a file (or something that behaves like a file, like terminal, or a network connection).
  • Each table entry tracks information specific to the dynamics of that session. mode tracks whether we're reading, writing, or both. cursor tracks a position within the file payload. refcount tracks the number of descriptors across all processes that refer to that entry. (We'll discuss the vnode field in a moment.)
  • The illustration here calls out one file table entry referenced by process 1001, descriptor 3. A call to open(filename, O_RDONLY) from that process might result in the above.

Filesystem Data Structures

  • At any one time, there are multiple active processes, and each typically has at least three open descriptors, and possibly more.
  • Each process maintains its own descriptor table, but there is only one, system-wide open file table. This allows for file resources to be shared between processes, and we'll soon see just how common shared file resources really are.
  • As drawn above, descriptors 0, 1, and 2 in each of the three PCBs alias the same three sessions. That's why each of the referred table entries have refcounts of 3 instead of 1.
    • This shouldn't surprise you. If your bash shell calls make, which itself calls g++, each of them inserts text into the same terminal window.

Filesystem Data Structures

  • Each of the open file entries maintains
    access to a vnode, which itself is a
    structure housing static information
    about a file or file-like resource.
  • The data structure stores file type (e.g. regular file, directory, symlink, terminal), a refcount, the collection of function pointers that should be used to read, write, and otherwise interact with the resource, and, if applicable, a copy of the inode that resides on the filesystem on behalf of that file. In that sense, the vnode is an inode cache that stores information about the file (e.g. file size, owner, permissions, etc.) so that it can be accessed much more quickly.

Filesystem Data Structures

  • There is one, system-wide vnode table for the same reason there is one system-wide open file table. Independent file sessions reading from or writing to the same file don't need independent copies of the vnode. They can all alias the same one.

Filesystem Data Structures

None of these
visible to
users. Note the
filesystem itself
is a
component, and
inodes of open
files are loaded into vnode table entries. The
yellow inode in the vnode is an in-memory replica of the yellow sliver of memory in the filesystem.

Lecture 04 Pre: Filesystem Design, System Calls, and Introduction to Multiprocessing

By Jerry Cain

Lecture 04 Pre: Filesystem Design, System Calls, and Introduction to Multiprocessing

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