CS110: Principles of Computer Systems

Autumn 2021
Jerry Cain


Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • We're in the home stretch and have studied four broad areas of systems, three of which have expanded our understanding of parallelism and out ability to harness the computational power of an unbounded number of CPUs.

  • So, how can we parallelize data processing across many, many machines?
    • There are many ways to do so, but one of the most common frameworks for parallel processing is MapReduce, which given our prior work in CS110 is easily described and even implemented.

  • Today, we will:
    • Leverage our understanding of networking and concurrency to study MapReduce.
    • Learn about MapReduce's programming model and how it parallelizes operations.
    • Understand how to write a program that can be run using MapReduce.

  • An optional Assignment 7 is your chance to implement your very own MapReduce framework.
    • Assignment 7 will go out this Thursday and can be submitted as late as December 10th at 11:59pm.  
    • No lateness on this one, and it will only be graded on functionality.
    • If you complete Assignment 7 and do well on it, I'll replace your lowest assignment or assessment score with your Assignment 7 functionality score.

Credit Phil Levis, Chris Gregg, and Nick Troccoli for these slides.

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Representative Problem: we want to parse a document and count how many times each word appears.
  • Possible Approach:​ program that reads document and builds a word -> frequency map.
  • How can we parallelize this?
    • Idea: Split document into chunks, count words in each chunk concurrently

    • Problem: What if a word appears in multiple chunks?

    • Better Idea: Combine all the output, sort, split into chunks, combine counts in each one (in parallel).

  • Example: "the very very quick fox greeted the brown fox"

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 2

quick, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

the, 1

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1
very, 2
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1


brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 2


brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 2

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • There are 2 "phases" where we can install parallelism.

    • map the input to some intermediate data representation

    • reduce the intermediate data representation into final result

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 2

quick, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

the, 1

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1
very, 2
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1


brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 2


brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 2

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • The first phase focuses on finding, and the second phase focuses on summing.  So the first phase should only output 1's, and leave the summing for later.

  • Our example is still: "the very very quick fox greeted the brown fox"

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 2

quick, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

the, 1

brown, 1

fox, 1


the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • There are 2 "phases" where we can install parallelism.

    • map the input to some intermediate data representation

    • reduce the intermediate data representation into final result

  • Note the diagram below includes a chunk with two "very, 1"s, as opposed to the one "very, 2" that generated prior.

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

quick, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

the, 1

brown, 1

fox, 1



the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1

brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Question: Is there a way to parallelize this operation as well?

  • Another idea: Have each map task separate its data in advance of each reduce task. Then each reduce task can combine and sort its own data.  

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

quick, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

the, 1

brown, 1

fox, 1



the, 1
very, 1
very, 1
quick, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
the, 1
brown, 1
fox, 1

brown, 1
fox, 1
fox, 1
greeted, 1
quick, 1
the, 1
the, 1
very, 1
very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Question: Is there a way to parallelize this operation as well?

  • Another idea: Have each map task separate its data in advance of each reduce task. Then each reduce task can combine and sort its own data.  

bucket # = hash(key) % R where R = # reduce tasks (3)

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

bucket 2

bucket 3

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Question: Is there a way to parallelize this operation as well?

  • Another idea: Have each map task separate its data in advance for each reduce task. Then each reduce task can combine and sort its own data.  

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

bucket 2

bucket 3

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2











Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Task: We have web pages, and want to make a list of what web pages link to a given URL.

  • Possible Approach:​ Leverage our existing idea to read web pages and build a URL to list(web page) map.

  • Fundamentally, this is a simplified version of PageRank 😊.  In fact, Google once used MapReduce to build an in-memory index of the entire web.


  • How can we parallelize this?
    • Idea: Split web pages into chunks, find URLs in each chunk concurrently
    • Problem: What if a URL appears in multiple chunks?  We need to merge the lists of web pages.
    • Better Idea: Use hashing to split the intermediate output by reduce task, and have each reduce task merge, sort and reduce concurrently.
    • Example: 3 web pages (1 per group): a.com, b.com, c.com

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • How can we parallelize this?

    • Current Thinking: Use hashing to split the intermediate output by reduce task, and have each reduce task merge, sort and reduce concurrently.
    • Example: 3 web pages (1 per group): a.com, b.com, c.com

a.com: Visit d.com for more! Also see e.com.

b.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see e.com.

c.com: Visit a.com for more! Also see d.com.

a.com, b.com
a.com, c.com

d.com, a.com
d.com, c.com

e.com, a.com
e.com, b.com

a.com, [b.com, c.com]

d.com, [a.com, c.com]

e.com, [a.com, b.com]

d.com, a.com

e.com, a.com

bucket 2

bucket 3

a.com, b.com

e.com, b.com

bucket 1

bucket 3

d.com, c.com

bucket 1

bucket 2

a.com, c.com











Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Case Study: Counting Word Frequencies

    • Sequential Approach: program that reads a document and builds a word to frequency map

    • Parallel Approach: split document into chunks, count words in each chunk concurrently, partitioning output.  Then, sort and reduce each chunk concurrently.

  • Case Study: Inverted Web Index

    • Sequential Approach: program that reads web pages and builds a URL to list(web page) map

    • Parallel Approach: split web pages into chunks, find URLs in each chunk concurrently, partitioning output.  Then, sort and reduce each chunk concurrently.

  • We framed these problems as a two-step process:
    • map the input to some intermediate data representation

    • reduce the intermediate data representation into final result


  • Not all problems conform to this approach.  But if they do, we can parallelize them more or less the same way we have for these two examples.  
    • The map and reduce steps are specific to the problem, but the overarching approach is the same regardless.

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • MapReduce executes programs in parallel, provided you specify the input, the map step and the reduce step.

PDF of "Mapreduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters" by Jeffrey Dean and Sanjay Ghemawat, Google.

Published by Google in 2004.  Read it [here].

  • MapReduce's primary goal is to make running programs across multiple machines as easy as possible.

  • Many challenges in writing programs spanning many

    machines, including:
    • machines failing

    • communicating over the network

    • coordinating tasks

  • MapReduce handles all of these! Users needs to frame their problem as a MapReduce-compatible one—that is, they need to provide clear map + reduce steps—and they can easily run it within a MapReduce framework.
  • This is an example of how the right abstraction can revolutionize computing.
    • You'll see if you tackle Assignment 7!
    • MapReduce is so well-designed and specified that implementing it is much easier than you might think.
  • An open source implementation immediately appeared: Hadoop.

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  •  Programmer must implement map and reduce steps: 

    • map(k1, v1) -> list(k2, v2)
    • reduce(k2, list(v2)) -> list(v2)
  • Here's pseudocode for the map and reduce components needed for our word counting example:

  •  Some terminology
    • map step - the step that goes from input data to intermediate data
    • reduce step - the step that goes from intermediate data to output data
    • worker - a machine that performs map or reduce tasks
    • leader or orchestrator - a machine that coordinates all the workers
    • task - a single piece of work—either a map a reduce step—managed by a worker
map(String key, String value):
  // key: document name
  // value: document contents
  for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
  // key: a word
  // values: a list of counts
  int result = 0
  for v in values:
    result += ParseInt(v)

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • User specifies information about the job they wish to run:

    • input data

    • ​map component

    • reduce component

    • # map tasks M (perhaps set to reach some target size for task data)

    • # reduce tasks R (perhaps set to reach some target size for task data)

  • MapReduce partitions input data into M pieces, starts program running on cluster on machines - one will be the orchestrator, the others will be workers
  • Leader assigns tasks (map or reduce) to idle workers until job is done
    • Map task - worker reads slice of input data, calls map(), output is broadcast across R partitions on disk using hashing % R.
    • Reduce task - reducer is told by orchestrator where its relevant partitions are, it reads them / sorts them by intermediate key.  For each intermediate key and set of intermediate values, calls reduce(), output is appended to output file.
    • If a worker fails during execution, the orchestrator re-assigns the task with hopes it'll succeed the second time.

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • User specifies information about the job they wish to run:

    • input data -> the very very quick fox greeted the brown fox
    • ​map code: to the right
    • reduce code:  to the right
    • # map tasks M = 3
    • # reduce tasks R = 3
map(String key, String value):
  // key: document name
  // value: document contents
  for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
  // key: a word
  // values: a list of counts
  int result = 0
  for v in values:
    result += ParseInt(v)

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

bucket 2

bucket 3

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • MapReduce partitions input data into M pieces, starts program running on cluster on machines - one will be the orchestrator, the others will be workers. 

  • Orchestrator assigns tasks (map or
    reduce) to idle workers until job
    is done.

map(String key, String value):
  // key: document name
  // value: document contents
  for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
  // key: a word
  // values: a list of counts
  int result = 0
  for v in values:
    result += ParseInt(v)

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

bucket 2

bucket 3

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Map task - worker reads slice of input data, calls map(), output is broadcast across R (= 3) partitions on disk using hashing % R. 

map(String key, String value):
  // key: document name
  // value: document contents
  for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
  // key: a word
  // values: a list of counts
  int result = 0
  for v in values:
    result += ParseInt(v)

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

bucket 2

bucket 3

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Reduce task - reducer is told by orchestrator where its relevant partitions are, it reads them / sorts them by intermediate key.  For each intermediate key and set of intermediate values,
    calls reduce(), output is appended to
    output file. 

map(String key, String value):
  // key: document name
  // value: document contents
  for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
  // key: a word
  // values: a list of counts
  int result = 0
  for v in values:
    result += ParseInt(v)

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

bucket 2

bucket 3

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Orchestrator repeatedly assigns tasks (map or reduce) to idle workers until job is done. 

map(String key, String value):
  // key: document name
  // value: document contents
  for word w in value:
reduce(String key, List values):
  // key: a word
  // values: a list of counts
  int result = 0
  for v in values:
    result += ParseInt(v)

the very very

quick fox greeted

the brown fox

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

bucket 2

bucket 3

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

the, 1

bucket 1

bucket 2

brown, 1

fox, 1

fox, 1

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 1

the, 1

very, 1

very, 1

brown, 1

fox, 2

greeted, 1

quick, 1

the, 2

very, 2

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Takeaways:

    • We have to execute all maps before we execute any reduces, because maps may all feed into a single reduce.

    • The number of workers is separate from the number of tasks; e.g. in the word count example, we could have 1, 2, 3, 4, ... etc. workers.  A worker can execute multiple tasks, and tasks can run anywhere.

    • MapReduce framework handles parallel processing, networking, error handling, etc...

    • MapReduce relies heavily on keys to distribute load across many machines while avoiding the need to move data around unnecessarily.

      • Hashing lets us collect keys into larger units of work, e.g. for N tasks, a key K falls under the responsibility of the task whose ID is hash(K) % N.

      • All data with the same key is processed by the same working with the same reduce task. 

Lecture 23: Overview of MapReduce

  • Optional Assignment 7: You code to the standard MapReduce design, with tons of scaffolding and a few differences:

    • Intermediate files aren't saved locally and fetched - we rely on AFS

      • e.g. if myth53 maps and myth65 reduces, if myth53 creates a file, it's also visible to myth65 because AFS is a networked filesystem! No need to transmit over the network ourselves.
    • You specify # mappers and # reducers, not # workers
    • You provide input file chunks, and that determines the number of map tasks
    • # reduce tasks = # mappers x # reducers

  • We'll demo Assignment 7 if we have time. :)

Lecture 23: Case Study: MapReduce

By Jerry Cain

Lecture 23: Case Study: MapReduce

  • 1,204