Una breve historia

de la música electrónica 

(de baile)


 So where did it all begin? How did it all start? Who was the first guy who said "Holy shit, this buzzing, spitting, throbbing, pulsing din of an inane sequence of noises that might arguably call itself music sounds totally awesome on ecstasy!" And what made him do that?

Melodía   Armonía   Ritmo  Timbre


1876 - Primer sonido producido eléctricamente, primeras grabaciones

1897 - Thelarmonium

1917 -

1929 - Givelet

1955 - Primer sintetizador

1970 - Minimoog - First portable synth

Kraftwerk is formed

 While Italian futurists and musique concrete tards were busy patting themselves on the back about how insipidly genius they thought their cat-strangling atonal compositions were, jazz and soul musicians picked up the Minimoog and immediately found its raw edgeyness to be something quaint and funky. The low-fi sounds of these quirky analog boxes led to one of the most endearing electronic samples of all time, courtesy of the

1982 - MIDI - standard used by all manufacturers

 All electronic music that exists today originated in three principle nerve centres: The Caribbean (Jamaica), the American Midwest (Detroit and Chicago), and Western Europe (France, Italy and Germany).

The Caribbean fermented reggae and dub, introduced MCing, exported rapping to New York where it promptly became the most popular music in the world, kickstarted dancehall and DJing, and was the womb of the Breakbeat and Jungle sections of this guide.

The American Midwest enriched us with jazz, soul, RnB, funk and blues, morphed into electro, merged with hip hop, toyed with disco, championed the 'black gay club' aesthete, combined all-night dancing with ecstasy, and was the flowerbed of the Techno and House sections of this guide.

Historia de la música electrónica

By Jesús García Martínez

Historia de la música electrónica

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