Esri HackerLab for MAPSCorps

Jim Barry @JimBarry

@EsriGeoDev #geodev

Welcome to the

Esri HackerLab for MAPSCorps


Go here:

What's a geodev hackerlab?

Build geo apps with ArcGIS

Beyond the documentation,  Under the hood


Focus on Story Maps


Informal - Interactive - Tips & tricks - Follow along or try yourself


Demos & Short labs

What are we building?

A Story Map



1) ArcGIS Online (maps, data, services, analyses)?

2) ArcGIS JavaScript development?



Scale of 1-10...


How familiar are you with:

Getting Started

ArcGIS Developer Resources

ArcGIS Platform

Sign up for developer account:

Voucher Code: MAPSCORPS

Then go here for labs:

Voucher Code:  MAPSCORPS


HackerLabs on Github

Part 1


ArcGIS Online

Store data 

in the cloud

Hosted Services

  • Feature Service
  • Tile Service

1. Import Data

  • ArcGIS Online
  • Use "Add Item"
  • View and Query REST endpoint

2. Create and Edit Data

  • ArcGIS for Developers
  • Create Dataset
  • Define schema interactively
  • ArcGIS Online Map View to add data

3. Make Data from Data

  • GeoEnrich Data
  • Buffers
  • Drive/walk time
  • Spatial Analyses

4. Sources of Data

                             (Login, Add Data, Search ArcGIS Online)

Your turn!

Part 2


ArcGIS Online

Create and style web maps

Create a new web map

  • ArcGIS Online Map Viewer
  • Add layers and basemaps
  • Create, Edit, Share data
  • Use in apps
  • Stored and accessible as JSON

Style Layers

  • Default Renderers
    • Points
    • Lines
    • Polygons 
  • Use custom symbology

Style Popups

  • Override default popup settings
  • Format - title, body, fields, values
  • Charts

Smart Mapping

  • "Smart" styling of layers based on data
  • Apply symbols and colors
  • Based on fields, data, formulas
  • Color ramps with breaks
  • Override

Your turn!

Part 3


Web Map Apps

  • Fastest and easiest way
  • Re-use data, design (symbols) and configuration
  • Easy to setup title, subtitle, legend, map, popups

Edit remotely, no need to update apps!

Four Patterns of Web App Development




Example Apps

App Building Options


1) Configurable App Templates

2) App Builders: web and native

3) Example Apps

4) APIs

App Building Options


1) Configurable App Templates

-- Story Map Gallery    

-- Story Map Templates


2) App Builders: web and native

3) Example Apps

4) APIs

Your turn!


  • ArcGIS Dev Pattern: Data, Design, Develop
  • ArcGIS Online, Web maps and ArcGIS APIs
  • Create and share apps quickly
  • Apps/APIs access REST API and Services...

Help Forums

User Community Online

Esri HackerLab for MAPSCorps

By Jim Barry

Esri HackerLab for MAPSCorps

  • 2,357