Ember CLI
Q: So what is it?
A: A way to help you mock out an API for testing purposes.
Q: But I already use Pretender...
A: Pretender focuses on mocking out endpoints, this focuses on loading the database of a fake server.
Q: Does it do anything else cool?
A: It has factory and fixture generation built in so you won't need to include a separate library for that.
Q: Anything else?
A: In addition to running during testing, this fake server can also run during development!
Q: So how do I get started?
A: learn to do four things:
- define API routes
- define factories
- use in tests
- use in development
Getting started...
1. Define your API routes
// app/mirage/config.js
export default function() {
// These are shorthand for:
// this.get('/users', function(db, request) {
// return {
// users: db.users
// };
// });
// this.post('/users', function(db, request) {
// var attrs = JSON.parse(request.requestBody);
// var user = db.users.insert(attrs);
// return user;
// });
Getting started...
2. Define your factories
Note: we're gonna focus on doing things the factory way (instead of the fixture way)
// app/mirage/factories/user.js
import Mirage, { faker } from 'ember-cli-mirage';
export default Mirage.Factory.extend({
name(i) { return `Person ${i}`; },
age: 28,
admin: false,
avatar: faker.internet.avatar
Getting started...
3. Writing a test
// tests/acceptance/users-test.js
test("I can view the users", function() {
var users = server.createList('user', 3);
andThen(function() {
equal( find('li').length, 3 );
equal( find('li:first').text(), users[0].name );
Getting started...
4. Using in development
// app/mirage/scenarios/default.js
export default function(server) {
server.createList('post', 10);
var user = server.create('user', {name: 'Zelda'});
server.createList('comment', 20, {user_id: user.id});
By Jimmy Lauzau
Getting started with the ember-cli-mirage addon.
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