the South China Sea
Paracel & Spratly islands
Natural gas
Marine passageway
Common Interests
(China, Philippines, Vietnam)
Overlapping claims
China's 9 Dash line Claim
United nations convention on the law of the sea
EEZ (200 nautical miles)
Exclusive economic zone
The EEZ defines a country's sovereign rights to resource exploitation as extending as far as 200 nautical miles from the coastline and all recognized islands
Recent arbitration ruled some of China's islands as invalid for EEZ
rejection of recent Arbitration
“Any dispute between States Parties concerning the interpretation or application of this Convention may be submitted to the procedures provided for in this section only after local remedies have been exhausted where this is required by international law"
Philippines did not seek bilateral resolution before turning to the courts
UNCLOS Article 295
China's Justification Cont.
Dashed lines were first established under the Guomindang government in 1947 as eleven dash line
Changed to nine dash line under communist governement
Even up until 1960's, no countries in the international community objected (Britain sent implied support of claims)
Dialogue began to change and claims began to tense upon discovery of natural resources
China's Strategy
Theoretically, territorial disputes are dealt with in 3 distinct ways
China's strategy of delay
Defensive instead of offensive
Will only engage in bilateral talks
Works Cited
Ba, Alice D. "Staking Claims and Making Waves in the South China Sea: How Troubled Are the
Waters?" Contemporary Southeast Asia: A Journal of International and Strategic Affairs 33.3 (2011): Project MUSE. ISEAS Publishing, 2011. Web. 02 Sept. 2016.
Chang, Teh-Kuang. "China 's Claim of Sovereignty over Spratly and Paracel Islands: A
Historical and Legal Perspective." Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law 23.3 (1991): 399-420. Web. 11 Oct. 2016.
Fravel, M. Taylor. "China’s Strategy in the South China Sea." Contemporary Southeast Asia 33.3
(2011): 292-319. Web. 13 Sept. 2016.
Storey, Ian. "China's Bilateral Defense Diplomacy in Southeast Asia." Cooperation from
Strength The United States, China and the South China Sea (2012): 53-64. Center for a New American Security, Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2016.
South China Sea
By Jina Shi
South China Sea
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