Writing Testable code in Drupal 8. 

DrupalDay Santiago de Compostela 2016

Jose Luis Bellido (jlbellido)




Why this session?

During this session

  • Introduction
    • Some basic concepts
    • Improvements from Drupal 7
    • Testing in Drupal 8
    • What's going on?
  • Writing "no testable" code
    • Code not  testable by Unit tests.
  • Writing testable code.
    • Code testable by Unit tests

Some Concepts..

Unit Testing

  • Test isolated specific pieces of code (Units).
  • Is not needed a Drupal installation.
  • We need to Mock our dependencies.

Some Concepts..

Integration Testing

  • Test the interaction between different modules.
  • In case of Drupal:
    • Needs a very small installation
      • You have to specify the config needed.
    • Much less heavy than functional tests.

Some Concepts..

Functional Testing

  • Feeds the input and examine the output
  • Internal program structures doesn't matter.
  • In case of Drupal:
    • Needs a drupal installation.
    • Based on Simpletest.


Testing In Drupal 7

  • Mostly procedure Code
  • All using Simpletest
    • Functional tests
    • Unit tests
  • Upgrade tests
  • Not easy to have non functional tests.
  • Almost everything using functional tests.
  • Avoid using Simpletest.
  • Run all tests takes a lot..
  • Not using common accepted tools like PHPUnit.

The effects...

Improvements in Drupal 8 (I)

  • Still need the simpletest module
  • Much less number of tests in Core.
    • Just the really needed!
  • Extending form the class WebTestBase
  • Also you can extend from:
    • NodeTestBase
    • BlockTestBase
    • CommentTestBase
    • ...

Functional testing

   * Tests the behavior when there are no actions to list in the admin page.
  public function testEmptyActionList() {
    // Create a user with permission to view the actions administration pages.
    $this->drupalLogin($this->drupalCreateUser(['administer actions']));

    // Ensure the empty text appears on the action list page.
    /** @var $storage \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface */
    $storage = $this->container->get('entity.manager')->getStorage('action');
    $actions  = $storage->loadMultiple();
    $this->assertRaw('There is no Action yet.');


Improvements in Drupal 8 (I)

Functional testing

Improvements in Drupal 8 (II)

  • New in Drupal 8!!!
  • Extending KernelTestBase.php class
  • You can run them with PHPUnit
  • Tests can access to the Database and Files.
  • Runs in a minimal environment.
  • The module/hook system is functional.
  • Modules are only loaded, not installed.


Integration testing

Improvements in Drupal 8 (II)

Integration testing Example

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {
    $this->installSchema('system', 'sequences');
    $this->installSchema('node', 'node_access');
    $this->accessHandler = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')
    // Clear permissions for authenticated users.
    $this->config('user.role.' . RoleInterface::AUTHENTICATED_ID)
      ->set('permissions', [])

    // Create user 1 who has special permissions.

    // Create a node type.
      'type' => 'page',
      'name' => 'Basic page',
      'display_submitted' => FALSE,

Improvements in Drupal 8 (III)

  • Based on PHPUnit
  • Extending  UnitTestCase Class
  • You can run them without using run-tests.sh
  • Mocking Drupal is hard.
    • This is the funny part.


Unit testing

Improvements in Drupal 8 (III)

Mocking with PHPUnit

    $entity_storage = $this->getMock('Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface');

Improvements in Drupal 8 (III)

Mocking with prophecy

    // Mock a user entity:
    $mock_user = $this->prophesize(User::class);
    $mock_user->getAccountName()->willReturn('example username');

What is Going on ?

The goal: Remove Simpletest from Core and use PHPUnit as test runner.

New class BrowserTestBase.php 

Now happening: 

Writing No Testable Code


Writing No Testable Code

Node must have a fixed text depending on their type. The patterns are as follows:

  • Basic pages: "Page: @title"
  • Articles: "Awesome article by @author".

First Solution: Procedural Code

Writing No Testable Code

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave().
function d8_testable_code_example_node_presave(Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) {
  // Updates the title to a fix string:
  // - Basic pages: "Page: @title"
  // - Articles: "Awesome article by @author".
  switch ($entity->bundle()) {
    case 'page':
      $generated_title = _d8_testable_code_page_title_generate($entity);
    case 'article':
      $generated_title = _d8_testable_code_article_title_generate($entity);
      $generated_title = $entity->getTitle();


First Solution: Procedural Code

Writing No Testable Code

 * Set the title "Page: @title" to the given Node.
 * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
 * @return string
function _d8_testable_code_page_title_generate(\Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node) {
  return (string) new FormattableMarkup('Page: @title', ['@title' => $node->getTitle()]);

 * Set the title "Awesome article by @author" to the given Node.
 * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node
 * @return string
function _d8_testable_code_article_title_generate(\Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node) {
  $author_name = $node->getOwner()->getAccountName();
  return (string) new FormattableMarkup('Awesome article by @author', ['@author' => $author_name]);

First Solution: Procedural Code

Writing No Testable Code

  • Usual code in all modules previously to D8.
  • Procedural code:
    • All in .module or .inc files
  • Can be tested with Functional or Integration tests.
  • We want to have it covered by Unit Tests!!!

We want to avoid the Drupal Inquisition!


We want to avoid the Drupal Inquisition!


Writing Testable Code

Writing Testable Code

Step 1: Move our code to a Service

  • Really easy:
    • drupal generate:service
  • Replace our custom functions to methods.

Writing Testable Code

Step 1: Move our code to a Service

    class: Drupal\d8_testable_code_example\NodeTitleGenerator
    arguments: []



 * Class NodeTitleGenerator.
 * @package Drupal\d8_testable_code_example
class NodeTitleGenerator implements NodeTitleGeneratorInterface {

   * Generate and update the title of the given node depending on the bundle
   * as follows:
   * - Basic pages: "Page: @title"
   * - Articles: "Awesome article by @author".
   * @param \Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node .
   * @return string
  public function generateTitle(NodeInterface $node) {
    switch ($node->bundle()) {
      case 'page':
        $title = $this->generate_page_title($node);
      case 'article':
        $title = $this->generate_article_title($node);
        $title = $node->getTitle();

    return (string)$title;

Writing Testable Code

Step 2: use the seRvice inside THe Hook

 * Implements hook_ENTITY_TYPE_presave().
function d8_testable_code_example_node_presave(\Drupal\node\NodeInterface $node) {
  $generated_title = \Drupal::service('d8_testable_code_example.node_title_generator')

Writing Testable Code

Step 3: Inject other services OR use Traits INSTEAD of Procedural functions

Writing Testable Code

The t() function : 

Use StringTranslationTratit.php

new TranslatableMarkup('Other', array(), array('context' => 'Entity type group'));

Use TranslatableMarkup() Class

abstract class FormBase implements FormInterface, ContainerInjectionInterface {

  use StringTranslationTrait;

Writing Testable Code

Inject Other services instead of \Drupal::service() 

Update the Module.services.yml

Inject it into the constructor.

    class: Drupal\d8_testable_code_example\NodeTitleGenerator
    arguments: ['@language_manager']
   * @var \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface
  protected $language_manager;

  public function __construct(LanguageManagerInterface $language_manager) {
     * Instead of usinf the language_manager service as: \Drupal::service('language_manager')
     * We inject it and from now we can use it as : $this->language_manager...
    $this->language_manager = $language_manager;

Writing Testable Code

Adding the unit tests

  public function testGeneratePageTitleTest() {
    // Mock a user entity:
    $mock_user = $this->prophesize(User::class);
    $mock_user->getAccountName()->willReturn('example username');

    // Mock the node entity:
    $mock_node = $this->prophesize(Node::class);
    $mock_node->getTitle()->willReturn('Title example');

    $page_node = $mock_node->reveal();
    $generated_title = $this->node_title_generator->generateTitle($page_node);
    $this->assertEquals('Page: Title example', $generated_title);

    $article_node = $mock_node->reveal();
    $generated_title = $this->node_title_generator->generateTitle($article_node);
    $this->assertEquals('Awesome article by example username', $generated_title);

Writing Testable Code

Running the tests..

$ ../vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit ../modules/custom/ --debug
PHPUnit 4.8.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Starting test 'Drupal\Tests\d8_testable_code_example\Kernel\NodeTitleGenerateKernelTest::testGeneratePageTitle'.
Starting test 'Drupal\Tests\d8_testable_code_example\Kernel\NodeTitleGenerateKernelTest::testGenerateArticleTitle'.
Starting test 'Drupal\Tests\d8_testable_code_example\Unit\NodeTitleGenerateUnitTest::testGeneratePageTitleTest'.

Time: 2.7 seconds, Memory: 6.00Mb

OK (3 tests, 10 assertions)


  • Cleaner & maintainable code.
  • Hard at the beginning if you are not used to.
  • Quick result tests.
  • Useful in other frameworks.

El Camino se hace caminando 

Useful Readings


Writing testable Code in Drupal 8

By jlbellido

Writing testable Code in Drupal 8

Session given during the DrupalDay Santiago de Compostela 2016

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