Sleep pressure is controlled by two mechanisms
Important to stay in sync
Important to stay in sync
- 40 % naturally wake up early,
- 30% naturally wake up late
- 30% flexible
Sleep stages:
- NREM 1
- NREM 2
- NREM 3
- NREM 4
Mostly close to waking up
Mostly close to going to bed
Sleep and the brain
Sleep spindles in NREM, occuring most frequently during the last 2 hours of sleep, is responsible for learning
Dreaming and REM sleep boosts creativity and keeps you emotionally stable
During NREM sleep fact memories are moved from short term storage in hippocampus to long term storage in cortex
90 min nap during day = 20 % increase in learning short term
Sleep provide 20-40% memory retention improvement over 8 hour period
Motor memories are moved to circuits that operate below consciousness
Typing digits with wrong hand. 12 hours later, 8 hour sleep gave 20% speed increase and 35 % accuracy increase
REM sleep and dreaming removes emotional sting from memories
Reestablishing REM sleep is used to treat PTSD patients
REM sleep creates connections between distant memories and ideas- boosting creativity
Hidden method in maths problem: 20% waking, 60% sleeping
In summary: Sleep boosts performance
NBA Player performance
More than 8 hours sleep vs less than 8 hours sleep
12 %
29 %
increase in minutes played
points per minute
fouls comitted
Bad for sleep
- Coffee: 5-7 hours half-life
- Alcohol
- Cigarettes
- Alarms: Wake from alarm=not done sleeping
Good for sleep
Looong presentations
You can thank me tomorrow!
By jmmodin
- 237