B2C to B2B
B2C to B2B: Main points
- Data model
- Data consistency in db
- B2B: multiple organizations usecases
Data model: Today
- online or offline
- have many Orders
- have many Memberships (online can only have one)
- have user_id
Data model: Today
Data model: The problem
Data model: The problem
changes the User membership from one Organization to another
that leaves Organizations without users
users cannot interact with old orders!
Data model: B2B
Data model: B2B
- add a boolean column active
- restriction: only one membership can be active per user
method Membership.change_membership_to!
- to existing memberships will set active to false
- will create a new membership to the new organization with active true
- restriction: only one org active per user, offline ones will take precedence over online ones
- active? (for user) == a membership (for user) is active == true
Data model: B2C to B2B
The change will allow:
- old orders will not be orphaned
- users can belong to multiple organizations, but only one will be active
- old orders/postings can be reused in new organizations, e.g. copy, activate a posting. And done in a more controlled way
For data consistency all orders need an organization
More memos will be added to actions performed (nice to have)
Data consistency
The migration left:
- orders without organizations
- organizations without client_id
For data consistency all orders need an organization
Data consistency
The fix will be:
- create online orgs for orders
- add membership active == false
in db:
- first fix current ones (last months)
- then fix old ones
- do not fix them? code will be more complex (but let's evaluate it)
memos will be added to actions performed (nice to have)
Multiple orgs
- User can have many orgs (m offlines, n onlines)
the active org will determine UX and code mode: offline or online
Offline vs Online
- User has an active offline org
User will only work on offline organization
Manage Area will only show offline postings (the code also will impose this restriction) and NOT inactive online ones
the posting process is already separated, will be kept as is
Offline : postings logic
User can only
- copy a posting to the same organization
- activate a posting of the organization
(those actions are permitted if the order of the posting have credits available)
Online orgs: a current usecase
- User belongs to online org
- start posting a posting "create job ad"
- in payment page clicks on "I don't work here anymore"
- gets a new client_id from P&B
- User proceeds with posting
undercovers the code will create a new online org with the new client_id and a membership active
for jobs this is equivalent as to changing from one online organization to another (memos!)
the new org will be the active one
Online: postings logic
an online organization allows a posting from another org if:
- the posting comes from an online org
- the org is from the same user
this logic will be applied when
publishing, copying and activating a posting
and the user
changes orgs in the payment page (I don't work here anymore)
Online: manage area
if the active organization is online the manage area can show postings of
- active online org
- inactive online orgs
the user can then publish, copy and activate postings
and undercovers a Posting + Order Transfer to active organization will occur
Online: billing cycle
When an User changes from one online organization to another by publishing, copying or activating postings
a new order will be created,
the old order will not be changed (as it might need billing still)!
The billing cycle works based on orders, will be kept as is
B2C to B2B: tasks
an overall view of those are:
- data model change
- data fix in db
- change user.organization to return active one
- change manage area to work in modes: offline or online
- logic to allow postings + order copy between orgs
Pair programming: let's split the work to increase team knowledge
Q&A are welcome
B2C to B2B
By Joaquin Rivera Padron
B2C to B2B
- 1,410