Big Idea

When to use

Any time your team gets stuck or wants to improve something, ideate with the whole team.

Everyone provides a unique perspective on the user and the problem, so everyone should contribute ideas for solutions

Set up the prompt

Begin the activity with a good prompt, such as a needs statement, a user story, a Hill, or just a pain point identified.

Write this prompt somewhere everyone can see it.

Generate ideas, not features

Create many big ideas and quickly share them with each other.

Build off others’ ideas, but stay out of the weeds and avoid drifting into features or talking about implementation details.

Cluster, title, & discuss

Look for similar ideas and natural affinities. Move them physically closer together. As you do, name the clusters.

Identify any clusters or individual ideas that stand out.
Converge on a set that you would want to advance.

Big idea Vignettes

By João Victor Santos