Using Grunt to Auto-Generate Gruntfiles

Joel Kemp, @mrjoelkemp


The Key Takeaways

  • Grunt and why we need it
  • What "static analysis" really is
  • Static analysis techniques for building smarter tools

The Complicated Front-end

So many tasks...

Build steps for front-end apps

  • Compile Preprocessors
    • HTML: Slim, Jade
    • CSS: SASS, LESS, Stylus
    • JS: Coffeescript, Typescript, Clojurescript
  • Browserify or Requirejs bundling
  • Managing vendor dependencies
  • Precompile Mustache/Handlebars templates
  • JSHint and JSCS the codebase
  • Run unit tests and/or integration tests
  • And more...

So we use tools like:

Grunt, Gulp, or Broccoli

Let's talk about Grunt

  • Task Runner
    • Task: a plugin and configuration options
sass: {
    // 1. SASS compile configuration
    compile: {
        files: { 
            // 2. Turn globbing on
            expand: true,
            // 3. All sass files – no matter how deep
            src: ['**/*.scss'], 
            // 4. Where to store the compiled output
            dest: 'css/' 

A Sample Gruntfile

module.exports = function(grunt) {
    // 1. Compile all scss files 
    sass: {
      compile: {
        files: { 
          expand: true, 
          src: ['**/*.scss'], 
          dest: 'css/' }
    watch: {
      // 2. Watch all scss files and run the sass task
      sass: {
        files: ['**/*.scss'],
        tasks: ['sass']
  // 3. Load plugins

About these Gruntfiles

  • They get large – fast
    • Yet another thing to maintain 
  • Boilerplate aside from custom plugins
    • All we really wanted to do was build our app
  • The ideal: "set it and forget it" 

How can we stop writing Gruntfiles?

  • Based on generators
  • Assumes every app is the same
  • Provides the kitchen sink


  • Adapts to preprocessors and JS modules
  • Generates and maintains your Gruntfile
  • Too ambitious, but great for small things

Like YA!

Auto-compiling Preprocessors

SASS and CoffeeScript

Custom Watch Hook

  • Grunt has a watcher (via grunt-contrib-watch)
    • Listen for new files being added
    • Get the file extension
  • If it's .scss
    • npm install grunt-contrib-sass
    • Generate a compile task
    • Generate a watch task
    • There's your gruntfile, flush to disk
  • If it's .coffee
    • npm install grunt-contrib-coffee
    • Generate compile and watch tasks
    • Hotswap the Gruntfile

Hook into the watcher

// Custom callback for the watch event
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
  var ext = path.extname(filepath);
  // Tell YA about added file extensions
  if (action === 'added') {
    process.send('EXTADDED:' + ext);

Pre-determined boilerplate

  // 1. Grunt plugin to install
  lib: 'grunt-contrib-sass',
  target: {
    // 2. Compile task configuration
    sass: {
      compile: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          src: ['**/*.{scss, sass}',
          ext: '.css'
  lib: 'grunt-contrib-coffee',
  target: {
    // Coffee compile target
    coffee: {
      compile: {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          // All coffeescript files
          src: ['**/*.coffee'],
          ext: '.js'

More at:

Gruntfile so far

  // 1. Compile all scss files (simplified)
  "sass": {
    "compile": {
      "files": [{ "src": ["**/*.{scss, sass}"] }]
  "coffee": {
    "compile": {
      "files": [{ "src": ["**/*.coffee"] }]
  "watch": {    
    // 2. Watch all scss files and run the sass task on change
    "sass": {
      "files": [
      "tasks": ["sass"]
    // CoffeeScript watch task is very similar...
  • Throw Compass into the mix... 
  • Task configuration for SASS becomes dynamic
  • The plugin choice changes:
    • If compass is installed, use grunt-contrib-compass
    • Otherwise, use grunt-contrib-sass
  • The compile task changes:
    • Separation of sass/ from stylesheets/
  • Just create SASS (LESS/Stylus) files and let Grunt do the rest

Check out the code:

Auto-bundling JS apps

Browserify and Requirejs

Never again...

"requirejs": {
  "bundle": {
    "options": {
      // 1. What's the entry point?
      "include": "app.js", 
      // 2. What should we call the generated bundle?
      "out": "output.js"

Use the watcher again

  • When you add a JavaScript file: 
  • Determine if it's in AMD or CommonJS
    • If AMD, use grunt-contrib-requirejs
    • If CommonJS, use grunt-browserify
  • Set up the bundle task(s)
    • Need to determine the entry point ("root") of the app
    • Auto-name the output bundles
  • Set up the watch task to auto-bundle on change
  • Hotswap the configuration
// Custom callback for the watch event
grunt.event.on('watch', function(action, filepath) {
  var ext = path.extname(filepath);

  if (action === 'added') {
    process.send('EXTADDED:' + ext);

Detect CommonJS or AMD

Static analysis with Esprima

], function(a) {
  'use strict';

"expression": {
  "type": "CallExpression",
  "callee": {
    "type": "Identifier",
    "name": "define"
  "arguments": [{
    "type": "ArrayExpression",
    "elements": [{
      "type": "Literal",
      "value": "./a",
      "raw": "'./a'"

JavaScript File

Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)

Full AST:

It's just JSON


Esprima is used in:




and ~533 more!

Rules for AMD and CommonJS

var isAMD = hasDefine || hasAMDTopLevelRequire;
// 1. hasDefine
define('foo', [
], function(a) {

// 5. hasTopLevelRequire
], function(a) {

// 6. hasExports
module.exports = function() {

// 8. hasRequire && !hasDefine
var a = require('a');
// 2. hasDefine
], function(a) {

// 3. hasDefine
define(function(require) {
  var a = require('./a');
// 4. hasDefine

// 7. hasExports = function() {

var isCommonJS = hasExports || (hasRequire && ! hasDefine);

Is it CommonJS or AMD?

], function(a) {
  'use strict';

// node
"expression": {
  // 1. node.type
  "type": "CallExpression",
  "callee": {
    // 2. node.callee.type
    "type": "Identifier",
    // 3.
    "name": "define"
  "arguments": [{
    "type": "ArrayExpression",
    "elements": [{
      "type": "Literal",
      "value": "./a",
      "raw": "'./a'"
// Is the current node an AMD define() call?
function isDefine(node) {
  return  node.type         === 'CallExpression' &&
          node.callee.type  === 'Identifier' &&
  === 'define';
  • mrjoelkemp/node-ast-module-types
  • mrjoelkemp/module-definition

Identifying the "root"

  • A "root" is a module that has no dependents
    • i.e., No other module requires it
    • Represents a separate app/bundle
  • The algorithm:
    • Maintain a list of all required modules
    • For each JS module:
      • Get its dependencies (via a detective)
      • Mark each dependency as "used"
      • The JS modules that aren't in the list are roots




Our Gruntfile Now

  // 1. Bundle task
  "requirejs": {
    // 2. Auto-generated target name
    "t0": {
      "options": {
        // 3. The determined root
        "include": "js/amd/a2.js", 
        // 4. Auto-generated output bundle name
        "out": "a2-r-bundle.js"
  "watch": {
    // 4. Watch all "relevant" JS files and rebundle on change
    "requirejs": {
      // Avoid watching 3rd party libraries 
      // and the bundles themselves (infinite loop)
      "files": ["**/*.js", allTheExceptions],
      "tasks": ["requirejs"]

What about the other tasks?

  • Precompile templates 
    • Detect .mustache/.handlebars files 
    • Use grunt-contrib-handlebars 
  • JSHint and JSCS
    • Detect .jshintrc or .jscsrc files
    • Use grunt-contrib-jshint or grunt-jscs
  • Run tests
    • Traverse AST looking for 'describe' or 'it' CallExpression
  • Manage vendor dependencies
    • Detect CallExpression with identifier $ for jQuery
    • npm install jquery
    • Not trivial. What about shims?

What's the next step?

Where do we take our tools?

Some options/questions

  • YA
    • Beta/Experimental
    • Is an almighty tool the answer?
  • Can we build these techniques into Grunt or its plugins?
    • grunt-contrib-requirejs
  • Or into Browserify and RequireJS?
  • Gulp could use these abilities too!

Take the grunt-work out of using Grunt.

Thanks :)

Joel Kemp, @mrjoelkemp


Powered by JavaScript - Using Grunt to Auto-Generate Gruntfiles

By Joel Kemp

Powered by JavaScript - Using Grunt to Auto-Generate Gruntfiles

Slides for my talk at the Powered by JavaScript conference at Strangeloop 2014

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