Joel Ross
Winter 2025
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View of the Day
Final Draft Requirements
Grading Group Projects
Authentication (only if time)
More on Firebase next week
Can also check the videos & textbook!
Project Final Draft
For the Final Draft of the project, we're looking for it to be totally complete! See the Canvas page for full details.
- Well-structured and appropriate HTML (in React)
- Well-constructed React Components. Uses props and state!
- Interactive features: "two and a half" significant features
- Routing and navigation Needs multiple pages; url params
- External React Library rendering a Component. react-bootstrap is okay (if used meaningfully e.g., interactive widget)
- Data Persistence through Firebase (includes asynchronous work; effect hooks, etc)
- Good Visual Style, Accessibility, Responsiveness
- Correct code style -- check the course textbook!
Project Final Draft
Final Projects will be graded in two parts:
Group portion (50%): has your group implemented a complete project? Does it meet all requirements; etc.
Individual mastery (50%): have you individually demonstrated that you've learned the material (HTML, CSS, React)?
- Need git commits that show you've contributed to all these
- If you have not demonstrated you've learned the material, you will not get full credit.
- "Supporting the group" (helping others learn, etc) will earn extra credit. Failure to work effectively in a group (poor communication, missing deadlines, etc) will reduce score.
This is not a measure of "how much work you did", but how well you worked with your team.
See textbook
Firebase is a web backend solution; it provides multiple features which you can access without need to "code" them yourselves.
- Web Hosting
- Databases
- User Authentication

Effect Hooks
An effect hook is used to specify "side effects" of Component rendering -- code you want to execute only once and not on each render!
//import the hooks used
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function MyComponent(props) {
const [stateData, setStateData] = useState([]);
//specify the effect hook function
useEffect(() => {
//code to do only once here!
//asynchronous methods (like fetch), etc
fetch(dataUri) //e.g., send AJAX request
setStateData(data); //okay to call state setters here
}, []) //array is the second arg to the `useEffect()` function
//It lists which variables will "rerun" the hook if they

Effect Hook Cleanup
In order to "clean up" any work done in an effect hook (e.g., disconnect listeners), have the callback return a "cleanup function" to execute.
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react';
function MyComponent(props) {
//specify the effect hook function
useEffect(() => {
// persistent work, set up subscriptions, etc
//function to run when the Component is being removed
function cleanup() {
console.log("component being removed")
return cleanup; //return function for React to call later
}, [])
return ...
Action Items!
Complete task list for Week 9 (all items
Review everything
Problem Set 09 due tonight!
Next time: Firebase authentication and image storage
By Joel Ross
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