Teaching as a Student

& Pocket Guide to Writing SVG.

The Joni Bologna Story.


Write as you learn.

Yes, even if it's silly.

Actually, especially if it's silly.

Don't be afraid to be wrong.

I was wrong once. It wasn't that bad. 

Share all your knowledge.

Students make the best 


Don't put others on a pedestal.

It makes their achievements seem unattainable.

Find your passion ...

SVG & Fruit.

The book & Kickstarter.

Weird, fun, terrible, the best, the worst.

Be really uncomfortable.

Open source all the things.

Be nice to people

& make the

community better.


Teaching As A Student & Pocket Guide to Writing SVG

By Joni Trythall

Teaching As A Student & Pocket Guide to Writing SVG

2015 GDI Leadership Summit Ignite Presentation

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