How to lose money with DynamoDb 💸
Jon Packer • RevolverConf 2024.1
Hobby Project
Beer festival list app
Unique checkins
Avoid these beers at all costs
x-ratelimit-limit: 100 x-ratelimit-remaining: 0
✨ Untickd ✅
- AWS Lambda + API Gateway
- AWS Scheduled events
- Data stored in DynamoDb
GET /ticks/:userId -> [{ "checkinId": 62137 "beerId": 23298, "timestamp": "2022-11-23T18:43:22Z", "rating": 4.25 }, ...and 8959 more] GET /tick/:userId/:beerId -> ❌: 404 -> ✅: { "checkinId": 62137 "beerId": 23298, ... etc }
The Plan
- Store checkin histories in my database
- Scheduled update from Untappd once an hour
- Scale: 2000-3000 users, ~500-10000 checkins each
Title Text
{ "id": 1, "name": "A thing stored in DynamoDb", "attributes": { "contrived": true, "array": [1, 2, 3] } }
Store documents in this database!
** not a document database
Users table { "userId": 12345, // primary key "checkins": { "<beer id>": { "checkinId": 12345, "timestamp": "2022-12-12T19:23:46Z", "rating": 3.75 }, ... and 8959 more } }
Hmm, that's odd
Checkins table { "checkinId": 12345, // primary key "userId": 23456, "beerId": 34567, "timestamp": "2022-12-12T19:23:46Z", "rating": 3.75 }
To the moon 📈
Dramatic Reconstruction
❌ ProvisionedThroughputExceededException
📜 Secondary Indexes
How to lose money with hobby projects 💸
By jonpacker
- 134