

I'm Emilio Wong

CSI's best source of memes.

You'll find me in:



I'm a 5th semester ISI student 



  • What is Unity?
  • How do I work?
  • How does it work?
  • Don't sell games
  • Salaries
  • Why to use it?
  • Made With Unity
  • Where to learn

What is unity?

Simple: a game engine.

Not as simple: a set of tools to make videogame development easier and faster.

how do i work?


drag and drop


public class NewBehaviourScript : MonoBehaviour

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()



how does it work?

Behind the scenes

Don't sell games

Salaries (full time)

Salaries (Indie dev)

why to use it?

  • It's free*
  • It teaches you the fundaments
  • It's flexible and robust
  • It's fun

*It uses a subscription model

made with unity

where to learn


Any questions?

Copy of Unity

By jonywar

Copy of Unity

A short talk about Unity

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