Getting the Most out of Genesis
Josh Lee
About Me
- Developer since 2006
- WordPress developer & consultant since 2010
Contact Me
Why Use a Theme Framework?
The case for frameworks
- Build sites faster with more features
- Create consistency for easier code re-use
- Get the security update benefits of a much larger team
Other Frameworks
... so many more
Why Genesis?
Why Genesis?
The best framework for content marketing
Very developer-friendly
The most WordPress-y
Out of the Box
Out of the Box Features
SEO Metadata
Multi-column Layouts
Page Templates
Widget Areas
Great Plugins
Great Plugins
- Genesis Simple Sidebars
- Genesis Simple Edits
- Genesis Simple Share
- ... tons more
(find all of these in the plugin directory)
Developer Features
Developer Features
Functional Templating (no code duplication)
Easy to turn off or modify built-in features
Incredible code reusability
There is a learning curve...
Learning Curve:
Child Themes
Hooks & Filters
Undocumented Hooks
Functional Templating
Child Themes
Child Themes
A child theme lets you override specific files from a theme without modifying the original theme
This is very useful for modifying CSS
Anatomy of a Child Theme
Anatomy of a Child Theme
All it Takes
Theme Name: Bootstrap Genesis
Theme URL:
Description: Bootstrap Genesis Child Theme.
Author: salcode
Author URI:
Version: 0.8.2
Template: genesis
(Refers to the folder name of the parent theme)
Not all base themes will support overriding PHP functionality
But Genesis Does
Genesis Supports Child Themes:
- Theme support
- Helper funtions
- Hooks & filters
Hooks & Filters
A hook is an anchor for you to run code during certain events, such as:
A page is requested
The scripts are printed in the page header
The main “loop” for the page is run
A filter is like a hook, except that you can manipulate incoming data and return a new result
Hooks and filters allow you to modify core behavior (or other plugins or themes) without modifying or overriding the original code.
Genesis Template Hooks
Genesis Template Hooks
Genesis uses hooks to build up the page template and render the results of the loop
Now you can modify templates without overriding them
No longer necessary to duplicate entire templates or manage nested sub-templates just for small changes.
Genesis Templates
Call genesis() at the end of a php file with action hooks and filters.
Which Hooks to Use?
Which Hooks to Use?
Getting the Most out of Genesis
By Josh Lee
Getting the Most out of Genesis
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