a slow app

A practical guide

to great React Native performance

Paris - London - New York


Jean-Rémi Beaudoin


We're getting there but...

the app feels slow overall

(because it is)

Let's measure it!

  • Find the low hanging fruits
  • Beware of time wasters
  • Feel the pain of your actual users

What can you measure?

  • FPS
  • Janky frames
  • Load time
  • Flame chart
  • CPU usage
  • ...

Janky frames

  • Pick a key user journey

  • Use an Android test device

  • Plug it in your computer

  • Start the app

  • Run through the journey

adb shell dumpsys gfxinfo com.example

Janky Frames


Performance of key user journey


Performance must be part of your team culture

Identify bottlenecks

Stop ✋

  • Premature optimization is a waste of time

  • Do not guess which part of the code should be fixed

  • If you have an intuition, measure it!

  • If you don't have a clue, read the ... amazing manual ❤️

Find the culprit

With the React Native profiler


UI thread

Native modules thread

JavaScript thread

Available tools

  • React Native profiler

  • why-did-you-update

  • Firebase Performance Monitoring

  • ...


Spotting issues with flame chart

Spotting issues with flame chart


React Native

Our performance journey


Performance of key user journey




Janky Frames

When you stop caring...

Other takeaways

  • Use Redux with care (and with Reselect)
  • Linters can prevent patterns that impact performance negatively

  • Use Twitter  ⏩  @nparashuram


Wrap up

  • Measure before you act
  • Performance optimization is a very attractive rabbit hole
  • Always think about the value of your work, life is too short

Thank you! 🙏

Jean-Rémi Beaudoin

Paris - London - New York

Troubleshooting a slow app, a practical guide to great React Native performance

By jrbeaudoin

Troubleshooting a slow app, a practical guide to great React Native performance

  • 292