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My personal Infrastructure
Jonathan Seth Mainguy
Feb 19th, 2020
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What does it consist of?
Two physical nodes with Hetzner in Germany which host most of the services.
One vm with linode (they give out $50 credit for free at conferences) for dns and vpn
One vm with buyvm.net (best lowendbox.com type provider) for dns and vpn
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What does it cost?
Buyvm - $3.50 a month. 1 cpu, 1 gig ram, 20gb disk, unlimited traffic, supposedly they ignore dmca and piracy letters.
Linode - $5 a month. 1 cpu, 1 gig ram, 25 gig disk, 1 TB Transfer
Hetzner - €65.55 ($70.72) a month. 16 cpus, 64gb ram, 12tb disk, unlimited traffic
about $80 a month depending on euro conversion price.
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Why the two vm's?
I host my own DNS servers.
Best practice is to have three or more.
I wanted them to be geographically spread out.
I also wanted them on three different providers, in case one provider disappears or shuts me down.
The third dns server is hosted on a vm on the physical box with hetzner.
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you host your own dns eh?
Factual. I run nsd3. I chose nsd because when I got started my vm's were around 128mb of ram and I needed it to be as small as possible.
I make the changes with vi, on ns1, and then sync the changes to the other nameservers with a bash script.
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I was pretty addicted to trying out new vm providers for a bit, and though I might blog about it (never did). I also wanted to get a t-shirt from he.net and figured a new domain to use with ipv6 would keep me from breaking jmainguy.com
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How many domains do you use?
jmainguy.com - Personal blog
vpsaddict.com - domain for the nameservers, pretty under utilized
standouthost.com - my old minecraft business, physical infrastructre goes under this domain.
soh.re - short url for minecraft business, now it is my open source profile domain. Most of my external services are hosted under soh.re
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Services huh?
After the Snowden leaks, I started taking hosting my own services more seriously. I don't like to rely on other providers as much as I can.
I used https://prism-break.org/en/ to come up with ideas of things to host.
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ZNC / sohbot
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A self hosted alternative to dropbox. Allows me to sync photos taken with my phones easily.
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Docker registry
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xmpp chat servers / alternative to Aol instant messenger.
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whois over http
Service I wrote to provide a whois query over http, to get around firewalls at work.
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custom application written for family business. To export data from one application, and format it for input into another.
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Sinatra app I wrote to explain what http status codes mean, since I have no intention of memorizing them.
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I personally use it for storing recipes and lists of things to do.
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Portfolio type website, drops you into a full bash shell, uses soh-router which I wrote.
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RPM repository for rpms I build.
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VM running the Kolab Groupware product to enable me to host my own mail server.
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VM for my buddy to ssh into, and run https://github.com/Jmainguy/ibsdns from - to enable dynamic IP hostname for his house.
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Various websites
I have an apache server on web01.standouthost.com vm running many websites.
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Various websites
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VM that runs letsencrypt certbot-auto to generate new certificates
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LetsEncrypt Setup
Cron runs once a night, checks a list of hostnames to see if the expire anytime soon, if a new cert is needed, replaces haproxy.cfg with one that points all web traffic at le.soh.re vm, restarts haproxy, ssh's into the vm and runs cert-bot to get a new cert, scp's the certs back to phy01, replaces haproxy.cfg with original, restarts haproxy
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Have a server on linode and buyvm's, as well as in a VM hosted on phy02.standouthost.com - forward connections to it via iptables
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Backup trilug's pilot
pilot.soh.re is a VM living on phy02.standouthost.com. pilot.trilug.org rsync's its entire disk to this vm once a day. So I always have a live copy of no more than 24 hours old, of pilot.
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Backup Everything
I have a cronjob on each box in germany, that runs an ansible task to back everything up to a local directory, and then rsync that directory to the other physical box in germany. So both boxes have all the essential data, in raid 1, from both boxes. If I lose a box, I still have all my data, if I lose both boxes, its gone.
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- /etc/ssl/
- /opt/
- /home/
- /etc/haproxy/
- /etc/sysconfig/iptables
all vms
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My personal infrastructure
By jsmainguy
My personal infrastructure
Jmainguy's personal infrastructure
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