Hack My Planet
Day 13
(Final) Python Review
- Functions
- Parameters
- For loops
- Lists
- Indices
Function Review
- Write a function that takes in a list of magicians' names as a parameter. The function should modify the list by adding the phrase "The Great" to each magician's name. Call the function then print the list to test it out.
- Either increment a number, or
- Use the len(list) function, which returns an integer that is the length of the given list.
Function Review
- Write a function that takes in a list and a number, n, as a parameter, and deletes n items from the beginning of the given list. DO NOT RETURN OR PRINT ANYTHING IN THE FUNCTION
- Test your function by making a list, and calling the function on it. Then print the list
- Use the remove() function. list.remove(item). It searches the list for the given items and removes it
- Modify the above function to delete n items from the end of the list
New Command Line commands
- telnet
- Connect and communicate with a host
- This is how you can directly interact with servers and sockets
- git
- Version control system used for software development
- GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service where people can share their source code and have other people help them
- ifconfig
- provides information regarding your internet connection
Magic Eight Ball
- cd Downloads
- git clone http://github.com/junior-devleague/magic-eight-ball-socket
- cd magic-eight-ball-socket
- git checkout step1
- git pull
- git fetch
Copy of Hack My Planet Magic 8 Ball Step 1
By jtheadland
Copy of Hack My Planet Magic 8 Ball Step 1
- 551