- What is GNU/Linux?
- Unix-like OS composed of GNU packages/coreutils and the Linux kernel
- What is GNU?
- Free and open source software (FOSS) containing the core utilities and basic tools
- What is Linux?
- Kernel
- Central core of OS
- Handles Input/Output requests from software
- Links software and hardware (CPU)
- Kernel
why use it?
- Privacy
- Free
- Not just free as in money, but freedom
- Open and shared
More control
- More direct access to your computer
- Get to do more cool things
- You know what you're doing and what's happening
- No viruses!
- Abundance of different distributions
- Community/company-created OSes using the Linux kernel and a package management system
- When people say they use Linux, they're using a distribution of it
- Differences
- Package Manager
- Desktop Environment
- Default configurations
- Default packages (software/programs)
- Release schedule
- Stable
- Rolling
- Logo
package manager
- What is a Package Manager?
- Collection of software tools that automates installing, configuring, upgrading, and removing packages
- You don't have to manually install everything
- Each distro has its own package manager
- Debian-based: apt
- Arch-based: pacman
- Red Hat-based: dnf
- Gentoo-based: portage
- Repositories are servers that contain sets of packages
- sudo apt install sl && sudo apt install cowsay
- superuser do
- Grants root access for the given command
- Allows you to configure the files in the root directory (excluding /home)
- Use it when you get the error "permission denied"
- use it ONLY if you know what you're doing
- su
- su -c == equivalent to sudo
- su -l == login as given user (root if no argument is passed)
unix files
- Everything is a file or directory; don't need extensions
- / - the root directory, beginning of everything
- /bin - contains binaries (programs) that allow the system to boot and run
- /boot - contains the Linux kernel, initial RAM disk image (to boot), and the boot loader
- /dev - contains device nodes (devices such as USBs, etc)
- /etc - contains system-wide config files & shell scripts that start the system at boot time
- /home - contains user directories
- /lib - contains library files used by core system programs (comparable to Windows' DLLs)
- /lost+found - used in the case of a partial recovery from a filesystem corruption
- /media - contains mount points for removable media tat are automatically mounted (newer systems)
- /mnt - same as /media except for manually mounted media (older systems)
- /opt - used to install optional software (usually commercial)
- /proc - virtual filesystem that tells you how to kernel sees/interacts with your computer
- /root - home directory for root account
- /sbin - contains system binaries for vital system tasks
- /tmp - contains temporary files created by programs
- /usr - contains programs and support files used by regular users (not root)
- /usr/bin - contains executable programs
- /usr/lib - contains shared libraries for /usr/bin programs
- /usr/local - contains programs not included with the distro, but are intended for system-wide use (usually programs compiled from source code)
- /usr/sbin - contains more system administration programs
- /usr/share - contains the shared data used by programs like config files, icons, supplementary files, etc. (Comparable to Windows Program Files)
- /usr/share/doc - contains documentation for packages
- /var - contains data that is likely to change (Ex. databases, spool files, user mail, etc)
- /var/log - contains log files, records of system activity
- In this class, our main OS will be Ubuntu
- Based on Debian
- Beginner-friendly
- Uses Unity as the default DE
- uses .deb files as its packages
- use the dpkg command to manually install packages downloaded from the internet
- Ex. dpkg -i chromium-widevine.deb
- Try to use the terminal as much as possible, refrain from using the Ubuntu Software applications
command line interface
- Also known as the terminal
- Gives you complete access/control over your machine
- Use wisely!
- You don't want to break your system
- NEVER type in commands if you don't know what they do
- Advanced Package Tool
- apt is the package manager that comes with Debian-based distros
- If you'd like, you can use aptitude, which is like apt, except interactive
- If you opt to do this, ONLY use apt or aptitude, don't switch between the two or something will break
- Also, when performing dist-upgrade, do it through apt, not aptitude
- /etc/apt/sources.list determines your sources (repositories)
essential apt commands
- apt search [argument] - searches the apt repo
- apt install [argument] - installs the given package name
- apt remove [argument] - removes the installed package
- apt purge [argument] - completely removes an installed package and its configuration files
- apt autoclean - removes .deb files for uninstalled packages
- apt clean - removes all packages from the package cache
- apt autoremove - removes dependency packages that are no longer needed
- apt update - makes your source list up-to-date
- apt upgrade - upgrades all installed packages
- apt dist-upgrade - same as above, except uses "smart" conflict resolution
installation time!
- Use what you've learned about apt to install the following software:
- Chromium
- Vim
- Docker
- Geany
Remember the rules
- Only install approved software
- If there is something you'd like to install, ASK US FIRST
- sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade
bash syntax
command -option [argument]
- The command is the command that Bash executes
- Ex. cd, touch, mkdir, ls
- The option is written after a dash (-), it allows you to undergo different ways of executing the command
- Ex. ls -a The a option lists all of the files, including hidden ones
- You can use multiple options at once, a la: pacman -Syu
- The argument is whatever you're passing into the command
- Ex. cd Desktop, passes in the Desktop argument to be cd'd into
- The command is the command that Bash executes
- Use spaces to separate commands, options, and arguments
more bash
- Wildcards
- * == any characters
- ? == any single character
- [characters] == any character that is a member of the set characters (Ex. :digit:, :lower:, :upper:)
- Ex. b*.txt == any file beginning with 'b' followed by any characters and ending with '.txt'
- All commands have a standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout), and standard error (stderr)
- Redirecting standard output
command > file
- overwrites/creates the file containing the output of the command
command >> file
- appends the output to the end of the file's contents
command > file
- Redirecting standard error
command 2> file
- adding the descriptor '2' makes it redirect an error
- &> redirects both stdout and stderr
command 2> file
- Dispose of unwanted output by redirecting to /dev/null
- Redirecting standard input
- the cat command not only prints the contents of a file, it allows you to concatenate multiple files by using them as arguments
- if you just type cat alone, you can type something in and that makes it an output until you press Ctrl+D
- cat > lazy_dog.txt then type something in
command < file
- changes the standard input from keyboard to file
- Pipe operator | (vertical bar) pipes the standard output of one command into the standard input of another
- command1 | command2
- Commands used on the pipeline to change the input before outputting it are called filters
sort combines multiple outputs into a single, sorted one
- ls /bin /usr/bin | sort | less
uniq omits/reports repeated lines
- ls /bin /usr/bin | sort | uniq | less
- ls /bin /usr/bin | sort | uniq -d | less
- wc prints the number of lines, words, and bytes
grep searches a file and prints lines matching a pattern
- grep "full name" thisIsAFile.py
- ls /bin /usr/bin | grep zip
sort combines multiple outputs into a single, sorted one
In the terminal, navigate to the exercise1 directory in your Documents/exercises directory
Create an HTML_Files directory
In ONE command, move all of the html files into the HTML_Files directory.
Then, grep through the binDirectoryContents file to find all unique words containing "lib"
Use the | operator to search through the /usr/share/ directory for all files that end in a file extension.
- What is Python?
- Why are we using Python?
data types
- String
- "This is a string."
- Boolean
- True/False
- Integer
- whole numbers
- Float
- floating points
- In Python, variables don't need to be typecasted
hello world!
- cd into Documents and make a directory named "python_work", cd into that
- Make a file called "hello_world.py"
- Edit the file and type:
- print("Hello world!")
- Launch your new program in the terminal!
- python3 file.py
- +, -, *, /, %, <, >
- Open up your Python interpreter and try it out
- Ex. Type "python3" into your terminal
- >>> 5+5*10
- Note: Ctrl+D quits out of the interpreter back into the terminal emulator!
- In the interpreter type in:
- >>> fred = 100
- >>> print(fred)
- We just created a variable, called "fred"
- What is the data type of the variable fred?
- A variable is just something that stores value
- A variable varies, and can be reassigned. Try:
- >>> fred = 200
- >>> john = fred
- >>> print(john)
- Variables must follow certain naming conventions
- NEVER start with a number
- NO spaces
- Use underscores or camel casing
- No special characters (*,.!@#;: etc)
- Syntax:
- variableName = value
- = vs ==
- = is assignment
- == checks equivalency
- num = 5
- num == 6
- Anything encased in quotes ("") is a string
- In Python, you just need to put quotes around the value
- >>> fred = "This is a string"
- >>> print(fred)
- You can use single quotes
- Be consistent
- Use double quotes if there is an apostrophe in the string
- You can concatenate things to a string with +.
- >>> str = "world!"
- >>> print("Hello " + str)
tricks with strings
- >>> print(20 * 'abcd')
- A "%" can be a placeholder for values:
- >>> mytext = 'I am %s years old'
- >>> print(mytext % 12)
- %s is used in the string, % to assign the value
- Other ways of using it
- >>> name1 = 'Joe'
- >>> print('Hello %s, how are you?' % name)
- When using multiple placeholders, use parentheses and commas to separate them
- >>> print("Hi %s how is %s" % ("Joe"," Jane"))
strings & variables
- If you just put a string without quotes, it'll be read as a variable name
- Ex. print("Hey Bob") prints the string "Hey Bob"
- print(Hey Bob) tries to print two variables with the names "Hey" and "Bob"
- You can create a list object if you want to modify or access specific elements in the list
- >>> shopping_list = ['eggs', 'milk', 'cheese']
- >>> print(shopping_list)
- Access items by using brackets and the index
- Zero based
- >>> print(shopping_list[2])
- >>> shopping_list[1] = 'lettuce'
- To add to the end of a list, use .append(element)
- >>> shopping_list.append('chocolate bar')
- >>> print(shopping_list)
- Use parentheses instead of brackets to create a tuple
- Tuples are immutable lists
- >>> t = (1, 2, 3)
- You can use the range() function to create a list of numbers
- Put two numbers in the parentheses to create a list from the first number, to the second number minus 1
- Ex. range(4, 8) == [4, 5, 6, 7]
- Put one number in the parentheses to create a list from 0 to the number minus 1
- Ex. range(5) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
- Put two numbers in the parentheses to create a list from the first number, to the second number minus 1
slicing lists
- If you specify the range of indices you want to work with, the list returns only those indices using a colon (:)
- Like the range function, it's the first number to the second number - 1
- Ex. players = ["Kirk", "Andrew", "Ross", "Jack", "Ian"]
- player[0:3] == ["Kirk", "Andrew", "Ross"]
- It returns a slice of the list!
Create three variables containing your first name, last name, and age. Then print a string cohesive sentence using all three.
Ex. "Hello, my name is John Headland and I'm 25 years old."
Create a list of pizza toppings of at least size 5. Print the message "My pizza has these toppings: " followed by the use of a slice to print the last three items of the list
Make a list of 3 people, living or deceased, that you would like to have dinner with. Then you realize your dinner table has grown in size! Append 2 more people to the list.
survey time!
- Using Chromium, please go to the following url:
- https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MK3HTPX
- Take the survey
Jr. DevLeague Academy PM 8/6/16 Intro to Linux & Python
By jtheadland
Jr. DevLeague Academy PM 8/6/16 Intro to Linux & Python
- 645