Veejr User Stories

Sharing at its best

Veejr: Comeraderie, news, events and sharing cool stuff. 


What follows are the user stories that explain what those words translate to in user and computer speak.

The Big User Story

As a user...

I want to send a message to a friend.  The message may include media, be sent to multiple people, and be either synchronous and/or async.

Programmer note: each user shall have there own app and data and database, while new or uninculcated will use a temporary central server.

As a user...

I want to tell some or all of my friends where I am and what's going on.  [optionally with media]

As a user...

I want to [optionally] share some approved advertisements with my friends and all share in the profits from those ads.

As a user...

I want to share some of my veej's to another "sharing" site.

As a user...

I want to keep history of all interactions to easily find most any tagged data...and use an LLM to find relevant data.




By Jon Tiemann


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