Juan Vicaria

Tech Lead in Vulcan, Coverage Mission

What has helped me?


Deliver beyond what people expect


Deliver beyond what people expect

They will become your fans and they will help you achieve your goals

Be Humane

  • Trust people
  • Caring
  • Respect, if someone does not contribute, we need to fix something
  • Listening
  • Feedback
  • Be transparent




(You get the point :D)

Revisit why we need to do something.
Repeat the context and the need to do something.


(You get the point :D)

Revisit why we need to do something.
Repeat the context and the need to do something.

Will change dramatically how people perceive the work.

What I think we should improve?

1. Create space for innovation and creativity

2. Create space for people to try things 

We provide a safety net to allow them make mistakes

3. Work towards autonomous teams 

My goal is to get to a point where the team does not need me.

Juan Vicaria

By Juan Antonio Vicaria

Juan Vicaria

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