Vulcan; being the best team


0. Team updates (10')

1. Poll: How often to run this meeting (5')

2. New Poll: Data check-in or growth demos (5')
2. Parachute-Engine (35')
3. AOB

Team Updates

Team updates


1. Recruitment:

- Hiring for one BA to replace Mejd ( :( )

Team updates


1. Recruitment:

- Hiring for one BA --> Hiring for a temporal Contract BA, hiring for a perm BA ---> Thanks Mejd and Karen for the support!!

Team updates


1. Recruitment:

- Hiring for one BA
- Hiring for one Mid and one Senior Dev

Team updates


1. Recruitment:

- Hiring for one BA
- Hiring for one Mid and one Senior Dev --> Replacing Callum 

Team updates


1. Recruitment:

- Hiring for one BA
- Hiring for one Mid and one Senior Dev --> Replacing Callum 
 and in preparation to replace Luke as Senior Dev (Plan is that he takes over the tech lead role at the end of June - although doing it already!!)

Team updates


1. Recruitment:

- Hiring for one BA
- Hiring for one Mid and one Senior Dev --> Thanks to everyone helping to recruit with phone interviews, referrals 
and face to face!


Team updates


1. Recruitment:

- Hiring for one BA
- Hiring for one Mid and one Senior Dev
- I'm looking to bottlenecks and teams' needs to potentially hire more people, maybe some more BAs and Engineers.

Team updates


2. Package audit:

- Luke's been working on setting up Checkmarx in our apps, potentially could solve some of the issues.
- Meeting about next steps for checkmarx (when to run it, how it plays out with Package audit and so on) ---> Send him a message if you want to get involve.
Meeting tomorrow 2:30 to 3.

Team updates


3. Understanding bottlenecks:

- Working on value-stream mapping to understand where are the bottlenecks of different teams and what we need.
- Do we need more design? PO is not present? What things are we waiting normally? 

- Also trying to understand how Anciliary works with Vulcan

Team updates


4. DE SGP:

- Postponed two times because of missing features and providers.

- Scheduled to be next Tuesday (but we'll see...:D)

- We are pretty much ready, just waiting for scopes to be added.

- There will be code freeze and some impact to the teams, sorry!

Team updates


5. Other points:

- What is the budget for team activities?

- What is the budget for conferences and training courses?
 -- Working on proposing tech conferences and then people attending them (send me your conference ideas!)

- Tech summit! Still have time!

Team shout outs!

Team shout outs!

1. WebToApp: 

Spiking a proposal for a library to create branch links that can be used anywhere in Trainline!

Team shout outs!

1. WebToApp: 

Spiking a proposal for a library to create branch links that can be used anywhere in Trainline!

Team shout outs!

2. Coverage: 

The first A/B Test for SEO in the world??!

Team shout outs!

2. Coverage: 

The first A/B Test for SEO in the world??!

Team shout outs!

3. Tuffail, SGP Header: 

Unifying header menu across trainline!

Team shout outs!

4. Optimisation team: 

Lazy loading; example of crazy sh***@@$!

Team shout outs!

4. Optimisation team: 

Lazy loading; example of crazy sh***@@$!

Team shout outs!

5. Bill, the first A/B test for performance in the world? 

Spike to Measure impact of performance in conversion through A/B test.

Team shout outs!

6. Tony...

- Always helping to make sure that apps don't die... Wasabi, DSEO Web, Graphql,...


- Upgrading Kibana.

- Deployments Reporting to slack.


- Supporting Davo in Core cluster.

Team shout outs!

6. Tony...

- Always helping to make sure that apps don't die... Wasabi, DSEO Web, Graphql,...


- Upgrading Kibana.

- Deployments Reporting to slack.


- Supporting Davo in Core cluster.

Team shout outs!

7. Wasabi!

Building the AB Test Events Service, which will receive events ("page loaded", "feature experienced" etc) from front-ends and pass them into Vortex.


Team shout outs!

7. Wasabi!

Building the AB Test Events Service, which will receive events ("page loaded", "feature experienced" etc) from front-ends and pass them into Vortex.


Team shout outs!

8. Nathan, leaving us at the end of the week

Team shout outs!

8. Nathan, leaving us at the end of the week

Team shout outs!

8. Nathan, leaving us at the end of the week

Me on Friday

Team shout outs!

8. Nathan, leaving us at the end of the week

Me next time Umbraco breaks

Nathan's Trivia

1. When was Nathan born?

Nathan's Trivia

1. When was Nathan born?


Nathan's Trivia

2. Where was he born (CITY)?

Nathan's Trivia

2. Where was he born (CITY)?


Nathan's Trivia

3. How many siblings?

A) Two brothers

B) One sister
C) One brother and one sister
D) None

Nathan's Trivia

3. How many siblings?

C. One brother and one sister!

Nathan's Trivia

4. In which of the following jobs has Nathan worked?

A) Cinema

B) Paperboy
C) Store
D) Actor

Nathan's Trivia

4. In which of the following jobs has Nathan worked?

Nathan's Trivia

A) Cinema

B) Paperboy
C) Store
D) Actor

4. In which of the following jobs has Nathan worked?

Nathan's Trivia

"I worked as a Paperboy, I worked 3 days at Burger King before quitting, I was rejected at McDonald's, I worked at a discount jeans store called Mad House. I worked at Makro, KwickSave, Cineworld, Gassy Jack's (pub), 2 Elk Restaurant, Logica, Cardiff Uni, Cardiff Met Uni + all the contract jobs. Quite a lot of jobs actually. Nothing unusual though, just regular, shitty jobs"

5. How many TV shows and movies has he acted on?

Nathan's Trivia

4 TV Shows

Nathan's Trivia


Nathan's Trivia

Nathan's Trivia

Nathan's Trivia

Nathan's Trivia

1 movie

         ("Not very good")

Nathan's Trivia

6. How do we feel about Nathan?

Vulcan Trivia

6. How do we feel about Nathan?

Amazing work
Foreign Key
Everyone hated Umbraco
CMS people called it Umby

1. Poll, about this meeting

1. Poll, about this meeting

2. Poll, Data check in - Demos

/poll "Have a feedback meeting" "Data checkin" "Bi-weekly demos"

3. Parachute - Engine
Team retro

There are no dumb questions!! 


Vulcan being the best team

By Juan Antonio Vicaria

Vulcan being the best team

  • 39