• Onboarding Web2 users to Web3

  • PixiJS & ReactJS

    A brief presentation about mixing Canvas/WebGL/WebGPU with React using PixiJS for creating amazing web experiences! <3

  • Building distributed apps with Temporal

    A brief introduction about using Temporal for building distributed systems

  • MarketX

    Revolutionizing Customization & Manufacturing with AI, 3D printing and Blockchain.

  • CCIP

  • @jdnichollsc

    Who's @jdnichollsc?

  • ICP

  • Metaplex

    A brief presentation about Metaplex

  • Solana

    A brief presentation about Solana

  • Blockchain

    A brief introduction about Blockchain

  • Substrate

    A brief introduction about Substrate

  • Rust

    A brief introduction about Rust

  • Server Side Rendering with React and RemixJS

    Server Side Rendering with React and RemixJS

  • NestJS

  • Society 3.0

  • Contratos Inteligentes

    Una presentación sobre Contratos Inteligentes y Blockchain

  • Buy Me NEAR

    A course to build a real-world project with NEAR

  • The Crypto Purge 💸

    A crypto shooter-survival real-time NFT-based game inspired by The Purge

  • ConcertX

    Make concerts for everyone from everywhere

  • Demo

  • Smart Contracts

    A presentation about Smart Contracts and Blockchain

  • Music with Code

  • Real-time & Hooks with React

    Component State, Hooks & Actions, Testing Hooks and Real-time

  • Handling exceptions

    Handling errors without exceptions in TypeScript, using Option and Either data types of functional programming

  • WAAPI and WebComponents

    A talk about Web Animations API, Web Components and StencilJS

  • React Hooks

    About React Hooks

  • HTML/CSS 3

    Made for CodeYourFuture

  • UIWidgets, Flutter with C# & Unity

    UIWidgets is an awesome Unity Editor plugin to create cross-platforms Apps inspired by Flutter, using C# instead of Dart.

  • Bots & Azure

  • Mobile First Apps Web & Native

    A talk about mobile first apps, using code sharing to support web and native!

  • My Bot!

    Creating my first Multi-Language Bot!

  • Bot Framework

    A presentation about Azure Bot Service and Bot Framework

  • Native Mobile Apps

    Native Mobile Apps with React Native and NativeScript

  • Mobile First Apps

  • Real time games!

    A talk about isometric worlds 2D and real time games!

  • Unity Rest Client

  • Leaderboard

  • Bases de Datos

  • Express

  • Servicios REST

  • Node.js

    A talk about Node.js

  • Azure & IoT

    A talk about Azure and Internet of Things with NodeJS examples

  • Playing with Promises


  • This is Phaser!

    A talk about Phaser Framework and 2D Games!

  • Big Data Scientist

  • JavaScript Course

    A course about JavaScript

  • Construct 2

  • What can we do with HTML5?

    Are you ready?

  • Desarrollo de Juegos y Animaciones 2D para Web y Móviles con Phaser Framework