Onboarding Web2 Users to Web3!

Social login methods for web3 apps

I'm J.D. Nicholls 👋

- Open Source Contributor 👨‍💻

- Game developer (Hobby) 🎮

- Developer who loves UX 💫

- Chocolate lover 🍫

- Founding Full-Stack Engineer 👷


What's Web3 looking for? 🕵️

  • Money will become a native feature of the Internet 💸
  • Decentralized apps (dApps) offer users new capabilities 🔌
  • Users will have more control over their digital identities and data 🔒🛡️

Like Information, the transfer of value will become global, instantaneous, free, and accessible to everyone. 🌐

What's Web3 for old-fashion users? ⚠️

What's Web3? 💸


Liquid Staking, Lending, DEXes, Bridges, CDP, Yield Aggregator, Derivatives, Synthetic Assets, Insurance, Liquidity Management, Privacy, NFT Lending, Options, Vault Strategies, Prediction Markets, Stablecoins, RWAs, Undercollateralized Lending, Oracles

What we want with Web3?

  • Enabling one-click web3 onboarding experiences.
  • Don't just increase conversion, increase the amount of potential users for your app.
  • Enhance revenue by improving conversion rates with global payment acceptance.
  • Progressive Onboarding, etc.

Getting started with Web3Auth/Magic



Generate DID Token

  • Validate DID Token
  • Generate a JWT (AccessToken)

Authentication flow

  • Create a Session secure Cookie to save the JWT Token
  • Request user data

Display user data

JWT Flow

With this approach, you can set the JWT and cookie to expire in 15 minutes, one month, or whatever is best for your app.


const LoginForm = ({ magic }) => {
  const [email, setEmail] = useState();
  const onSubmit = (ev) => {
    const idToken = await magic.auth.loginWithEmailOTP({
    // Call BackEnd to verify idToken and create the JWT token
    const userInfo = await magic.user.getInfo(); // Get user data
  return (
    <form onSubmit={onSubmit}>
        placeholder="Enter email"
        onChange={(e) => setEmail(e.target.value)}
        Sign In

Creating the Client instance

import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';

const LoginPage = ({ magicAPIKey, rpcUrl }) => {
  const [magic, setMagic] = useState();
  useEffect(() => {
  	const newMagic = new Magic(magicAPIKey, {
      extensions: [
        new SolanaExtension({
  }, [])
  return (
    <LoginForm magic={magic}>
 Load Environment Variables from your routes.

Solana Integration

const signTransaction = useCallback(
  async (transaction: Transaction | VersionedTransaction) => {
  // Serialize the transaction to a binary format
  const serializedVT = transaction.serialize();

  // Create a new Transaction object from the serialized transaction
  const tx = Transaction.from(serializedVT);

  // Define the configuration for serializing the transaction
  const serialize: SerializeConfig = {
  // Don't require signatures from all signers
    requireAllSignatures: false,
    // Verify the signatures that are present
    verifySignatures: true,

  // Use the Magic SDK to sign the transaction
  const signedTransaction = await magic.solana.signTransaction(

  // Create a new Transaction object from the signed transaction's raw binary data
  return Transaction.from(signedTransaction.rawTransaction);
  }, [magic]


import { Magic, WalletType } from '@magic-sdk/admin';

export const action = async ({ request }: ActionFunctionArgs) => {
  const formData = await request.clone().formData();
  const idToken = formData.get('idToken')?.toString();
  // Load the Magic API key from Server
  const magic = await Magic.init(process.env.MAGIC_API_KEY);

  // Grabs the issuer from a DID Token
  const issuer = magic.token.getIssuer(idToken);
  // Gets user metadata based on the given issuer
  const { email } = await magic.users.getMetadataByIssuerAndWallet(

  // Create the JWT token, save it from a session cookie and redirect user
  // ...
  return redirect('/profile', {
    status: 302,
    headers: {
      'Set-Cookie': await saveLoginCookie(),

Real-world example

Resources 🔗

Onboarding Web2 users to Web3

By Juan David Nicholls

Onboarding Web2 users to Web3

  • 142