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  • Bullet One
  • Bullet Two
  • Bullet Three

Why not electronic?

  • unsubstantiated lack of trust in sharing healthcare information electronically due to misreading of HIPPA
  • Obama-era HITECH Act (2009) allots $30 billion to incentivize doctors to use digital records
    • 74% growth in number of hospitals using electronic records by 2015
    • Still, little progress with electronic file sharing

What's wrong with faxing?

  1. Waste of paper and resources
  2. Antiquated system within the high tech medical industry
  3. Unreliable

So what's our solution?


We used Blockstack to create a decentralized blockchain app that addresses the security concerns of HIPAA as the service does not centrally store user data; only the sending and receiving clients see this.

We started with Google's Cloud Vision and Natural Language API to read scans of health forms and then organizes the data to be sent over the Blockstack network

Why Blockfax?

  • Speeds up the process of sharing medical data between hospitals and clinics
  • Greater security and reliability than faxing
  • Simpler than trying to use encrypted emails


By Julia Alexandra Simon