Building Web Applications

Using Node.js and Fastify


Julián Duque

Developer and Educator at MNTD

Lead Developer Advocate at Salesforce Heroku


Part 2

What is Fastify?

Fastify is a web framework highly focused on providing the best developer experience with the least overhead and a powerful plugin architecture. It is inspired by Hapi and Express and as far as we know, it is one of the fastest web frameworks in town.

Core Features

  • Highly performant: One the fastests frameworks for Node.js


  • Extensible: Fastify is fully extensible via its hooks, plugins and decorators


  • Schema based: Supports JSON Schema for Validation/Serialization


  • Logging: Built-in Logger


  • TypeScript ready: TypeScript support out of the box

Core Features




  • Extensible: Fastify is fully extensible via its hooks, plugins and decorators


  • Schema based: Supports JSON Schema for Validation/Serialization

Registering a Fastify plugin

Demo Time

Thank you!

Building Web Applications with Fastify - Part 2

By Julián Duque

Building Web Applications with Fastify - Part 2

Building web applications with Node.js and Fastify

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