Historical geovisualization using ArcGIS Web apps

Jonathan Van Dusen, Esri Canada

Map viewer

  • "Mash up" geodata and basemaps
  • Change symbology, labels, popups
    • Smart Mapping
  • Perform analysis
  • Share:
    • Configurable apps
    • Story Maps
    • Web AppBuilder

Time-aware maps

  • Publish time-enabled layer from ArcGIS for Desktop
    • ​Single date field
    • Two date fields (range)
  • Time Settings:
    • Playback speed
    • Time bounds
    • Interval

Configurable app templates

  • Publish from map viewer using existing map
  • Download templates from GitHub; customize using HTML/CSS/JavaScript

Time Aware configurable app

Story Map Journal

Story Map Swipe

Story Map Tour

Story Map Cascade (beta)

Combining templates


Iain Greensmith


Jonathan Van Dusen


Brent Hall


Resources and Links


Historical geovisualization using ArcGIS Web apps

By Jonathan Van Dusen

Historical geovisualization using ArcGIS Web apps

Presentation to the mid-term conference of the Canadian Historical GIS Partnership, June 20th 2016, discussing geovisualization techniques available in ArcGIS Online and Portal for ArcGIS

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