Opening Sequence: Shot List

Shot 1 (Establishing Shot)

The first shot of our title sequence is an establishing shot showing a church tower. This gives the audience some sort of idea as to where they are. However, the thing that really makes this shot is the  hearse that drives through the shot this gives the audience the 'why' they are at a church.

Shot 2 (Pan Shot)

The second shot in our opening sequence is a pan shot. In this instance it is being used to again reinforce the idea that we're in a graveyard.

Shot 3 (Panning Low-Angle Shot)

In this shot we again used a pan but this time it was to follow thee character as they enter the graveyard. We used a low-angle shot to show them as a big character. However, this idea is quickly extinguished later in the sequence.

Shot 4 (Medium-Long shot)

In this shot again we see our main character walking through the shot although this time it goes from a medium to a long shot as the character walks through. Also by using this type of shot it allowed me to add text over the top for credits, as there was space to do so.

Shot 5 (Long shot)

In this shot again we see the character walking through the shot, although this time it is a long shot being used, and even though the character walks towards the camera we still see a lot of their body.

Shot 6 (Panning Longshot)

In this shot we used a longshot once again however this time we also use a pan. And we framed it right so that there was blank space on the building wall to add another credit 

Shot 7 (Panning Closeup)

In this shot we have a closeup of a tree although it isn't in focus for the majority of the shot and instead the attention is directed on the character walking behind it. It also adds this idea that someone is watching the character.

Shot 7 (Medium Shot)

In this shot we see the character gain walking through the shot although this time it is another medium shot, with a nice establishing backgrond behind it as well.

Shot 8 (Zooming Out)

In this shot we see another establishing shot of the graveyard although this time it is zooming out this emphasizes the size of the graveyard which has quite a morbid effect on the audience. it also provides a good amount of space to add another credit if need be.

Shot 9 (Close up)

In this shot we see a specific grave this adds importance to iit as no other graves have been giving specific attention. In post production I also gave it a shallow depth of field, which again adds importance as we focus on it.

Shot 10 (Close-up to Medium shot)

This shot starts by being zoomed in on our characters face this is to show emotion. As they are sad, and we zoomed out so that the grave itself was in shot so the audience knew what the character was looking at. it was also framed at a low angle to show the characters dominance like at the start.

Shot 11 (Medium shot to OTS Shot)

This shot finally solidifies any theories that the character is being watched throughout the sequence. as it pans away from the character it shows another character watching them, this destroys this idea of dominance as well as they are framed as small whilst the character watching is big.

Shot 12 (Time Lapse)

The final shot is over the graveyard and is a time lapse taken over around an hour before sunset. We did this as it can be used as an idea of time and also leads us into the night which is consider more dangerous that during the day. It makes us question the safety of the character and also is a nice place to add the final title.

Opening Sequence: Shot List

By jxmesp

Opening Sequence: Shot List

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