Who are we ?
A bunch of enthusiastic students who aim to foster mobile development related activities in the campus.
What do we do ?
Recently Released Apps
Campus Buddy


Older Released Apps
@aka ?

Bubble Trouble
Ball X2

Libraries and Miscellaneous
Androble - Connecting nearby devices to server seamlessly
TastyToast - Easily create visually appealing toasts
Lets Play - Find CS servers in IITR Intranet
Stroom - Play a song in multiple devices simultaneously
Yolog - Make your boring Git Logs beautiful
Find these on Github : https://www.github.com/sdsmdg
How do we work ?
- Weekly meetings at SDSLabs or Senate Steps
- Communication using Slack
- Information Exchange using Google Groups
- Task management handled by Trello, Workflowy
- Code collaboration always on Github
- Brainstorming session during meetings / online discussion.
- After refining the idea a workflow is drafted and improved upon.
- Once everyone is satisfied, soon after ...
How does an app come to existence ?
... the Development Phase begins !

Collaborative development - everything maintained on Github and managed using Trello.
Finally nearing the end...
- UI / UX Improvements
- Bug Fixing
- Code Cleanups
- Alpha Beta Testing
Recently we added extra step, making teaser for the app !
Your app goes live !

After party, Rating, Reviews, Updates, New ideas...
Things go on again !
Recent Achievements

We have got a selection in Google's prestigious open source program this year !
India Hacks 2016
- Among the top 20 best teams in India for Game Development track
Microsoft Code. Fun. Do.
- TheTeam - Runners up at Code.Fun.Do 2015-16
- Lapse Jumpers - Runners up at Code.Fun.Do 2014-15
Digital India Hackathon
- EmployMe - Best App Award
- CityAssist - Best Student App Award
- Numerous project winners at Srishti 2016, Srishti 2015 and Sankalp 2015.
Passed out members are now placed in huge MNCs like Adobe, Flipkart, Goldman Sachs, IBM and even Facebook International !
Few decided to join rapidly growing startups like Housing.com while others even have their own startups !
- Existing members will be joining for an internship in companies like Goldman Sachs, Qualcomm and Samsung.
Where do members of MDG finally end up ?
- A long hackathon where you are supposed to make an app on any platform according to our Problem Statement.
- Shortlisting through Droid Wars sends you straight to final interviews.
- Previous year's problem statements are available on our public blog, you may check them out !
Droid Wars
Written Test
- After the droid wars end.
- Will consist of basic aptitude questions.
- Additional section related to Android and iOS.
- Miscellaneous questions.
Personal Interviews follow
if all goes well, your friends will ask for a chapo !
What can you expect from us ?
- A supportive and enthusiastic group of people to share and develop your ideas.
- Discussions on all the ideas you can think of.
- Learn about other fields apart from mobile development.
- Lots of "Bakar" and "Chapos".
What do we expect from you ?
Myth Number 1
You should be a CS student.
Myth Number 2
You should have knowledge of mobile development and related practices before joining MDG.
Myth Number 3
Android needs JAVA knowledge, iOS needs Swift or Objective C knowledge. But I was only taught C++.
Shit, yaha bhi kat gaya mera
Having knowledge about development beforehand is a plus, as it will boost your learning experience.
Nevertheless it is not a problem the other way around.
Open Lectures Follow Soon
19 and 20 October
Venue: ECE Auditorium
Note: Be prepared with Android Studio installed. Basic understanding of C++ or JAVA is sufficient.
No other prerequisites.
Mobile Development Group
Our public blog
Follow us on Facebook
Reach out to us for any queries, or drop by to say "Hi" !
Thank You !
MDG - Intro Talk 2016
By Karan Desai
MDG - Intro Talk 2016
- 789