
How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2018

Before we take the plunge...
Let's have a quick recap of all those meaningless words we use
Behind the scenes
- V8, SpiderMonkey, ChakraCore
- Node Package Manager
- Ecmascript Standard
- ES9.... ES3
- AMD, CommonJS, SystemJS, ES6 modules
- Babel and babel stages
- JSX (Javascript XML)
- Webpack: Entry, Loaders, Plugins, Output
- Webpack dev server
- Dev and prod configuration
- Hot reloading and HMR
- Bundling and minification
- Source maps
And some more...
- Vanilla CSS, CSS modules, CSS in JS
- Sass, less
- Server-side, client-side and isomorphic rendering
- State management: Flux, Redux, Mobx
- ESLint, prettier
- Polyfills and shims
- Unit testing: Jest, Enzyme
And we haven't even talked about React!
Do I have to learn these things before starting React?

npm i -g create-react-app
create-react-app my-awesome-app
cd my-awesome-app
npm start
- Create a Github account
- Create a Twitter account
- Follow me on both of them :P
- Generate a React app using CRA
- Explore the code, add some of your own
- Push your code to Github
- Tweet/ping me the URLs to your repos
Twitter and Github: @KarandikarMihir
By Mihir Karandikar
React @ Harbinger
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