Animating SVG with CSS and JavaScript

 SVG ... what?

Scalable Vector Graphics

  • Animating  with CSS
    • ​Transition & Transform & Rotate
    • Keyframes Animation
      • Demo: Alien Ship / Letter Drawing
  •  Animating  with CSS and Javascript* 
    • ​Demo: Fullstack


                                                       * we will not cover details on this


Made of mathematical calculations that form objects and lines.

Resolution-independent: Can be printed at any size/resolution.

Easily convertible to raster

cons: It is not the best format for photographs or photo-like elements with blends of color.


 Made of pixels

cons: It cannot be scaled up without losing quality.

Depending on the complexity of the image, conversion to vector may be time consuming.


CSS'ing SVGs

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 -50 400 200">
  <g class="gear">
     <circle class="gear-bg" fill="#39ADD1" cx="200" cy="50" r="90"></circle>
     <path class="gear-icon" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M231.9,10.9c-1.8-0.6-3.6-0.6-5.1,0.3L216.2,17c-1.5-0.9-3-1.2-4.2-1.8l-3.1-11.5

   ......... (mathematical calculations....more about this)

        C234.6,12.4,233.1,11.5,231.9,10.9z M211.4,38.8c6.1,6,6.1,16.4,0.1,22.4s-16.3,6.1-22.4,0c-6.1-6.1-6.1-16.4-0.1-22.4

Before CSS: SVG Presentation Attributes


Shared with CSS


font, font-family, font-size, font-size-adjust, font-stretch, font-style, font-variant, font-weight, direction, letter-spacing, text-decoration, unincode-bidi, word-spacing, visibility, text-rendering, writing-mode, clip-path, mask-opacity, filter, pointer-events, image-rendering, clip, color, cursor, display, overflow 

clip-rule, flood-color, flood-opacity, stop-opacity, kerning, tech-anchor, color-profile, color-rendering, fill, fill-opacity, fill-rule, marker, marker-end, marker-mid, marker-start, stroke, stroke-width, stop-color, lighting-color, enable-background, dominant-baseline, color-interpolation-filters, color-interpolation, glyph-orientation-horizontal, glyph-orientation-vertical, shape-rendering, baseline-shift, alignment-baseline, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-linejoin, stroke-linecap, stroke-dashoffset, stroke-dasharray, stroke-opacity

In SVG2, more presentation attributes will be added.

Full List

CSS recipe

 Transition:    <property> <duration> <time-function> <delay>

Defaults to all

Defaults to ease

Defaults to 0


                                       .gear-icon {
                                    transition: transform .4s ease-out;
                                    transform-origin: 50% 50%;


Animating SVGs with CSS

Using CSS Transitions

 Rotate & Scale

Source: Treehouse

Checkout time functions in Dev tool !

transform-origin: SVG vs HTML

transform-origin (default value)
HTML Elements (div, ::before, etc.)
SVG Elements (circle, rect, etc.)

50% 50%

(the center of the element itself, calculated relative to its box model)

0 0

(top left corner of the SVG canvas, not of the element itself)

transform-origin: SVG vs HTML

Example: 45deg Rotation

<!DOCTYPE html>

<div style="width: 100px; height: 100px; background-color: orange"> </div>

<svg style="width: 150px; height: 150px; background-color: #eee">

        <rect width="100" height="100" x="25" y="25" fill="orange" />


Setting transform-origin in SVG using CSS

  1. Using percentage values: The value is set relative to the element's bounding box, which includes the stroke used to draw its border.
  2. Using absolute values: The origin is set relative to the SVG canvas.

Setting transform-origin in SVG using CSS


<!DOCTYPE html>


    div, rect { transform-origin: 50% 50%; }


Using CSS Animations & Transforms


Keyframe Animation


The list of transitions should happen over the course of the animation 

Example: bouncing shape

codepen source

Demo: Alien Ships

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 450 250" enable-background="new 0 0 450 250" xml:space="preserve" class="svg ufo-building">
  <g class="ufo-building-float">
    <g class="building">
      <g class="building-body">
      <g class="building-flames">
    <g class="ufo-big">
      <g class="ufo-big-lights">
    <g class="ufo-small">




All three are grouped in the "ufo-building-float" class



@keyframes ufo-building-float {
  0%   {transform: translateY(0)}
  25%  {transform: translateY(-25px)}
  75%  {transform: translateY(25px)}
  100% {transform: translateY(0)}

.ufo-building-float {
  animation: ufo-building-float 5s linear infinite;

@keyframes ufo-big {
  0%        {opacity: 0}
  15%, 70%  {opacity: 1}
  85%, 100% {opacity: 0}

@keyframes ufo-small {
  0%, 10%  {opacity: 0}
  25%, 85% {opacity: 1}
  100%     {opacity: 0}

.ufo-big {
  animation: ufo-big 5s ease infinite;

.ufo-small {
  animation: ufo-small 5s ease infinite;

@keyframes ufo-big-lights {
  0%        {fill: #000}
  20%       {fill: #fbcb43}
  40%, 100% {fill: #000}

.ufo-big-lights-light {
  animation: ufo-big-lights 2.5s ease infinite;

.ufo-big-lights--2 {animation-delay: .2s}
.ufo-big-lights--3 {animation-delay: .4s}
.ufo-big-lights--4 {animation-delay: .6s}
.ufo-big-lights--5 {animation-delay: .8s}

@keyframes building-flames {
  0%   {transform: scale(1, 1)}
  50%  {transform: scale(1, 1.1)}
  100% {transform: scale(1, 1)}

.building-flames path {
  fill: #d84437;
  animation       : building-flames .15s ease infinite;
  transform-origin: center top;

Moving up and down

hide and show


Animate Recipe

@keyframes kfName {
  0%        { <property> : <value>; }    //from here
  20%       { <property> : <value>; }
  40%, 100%  { <property> : <value>; }   // to here

<property name / animate target> {
        animation: kfName <duration> <delay> <iteration>; //iteration can be infinite / finite


Creating the Illusion

<svg viewBox="0 0 500 500" xmlns="">
  <path class="letterS" d=" ...... "/>

svg {
    display: block;
    margin: 2em, auto 0;
    width: 70%;

@keyframes offset {
	100% {
		stroke-dashoffset: 0;

.letterS {
    fill: #FFF;
    stroke: #000;
    stroke-width: 2;
    stroke-dasharray: 800;      // in JS: pathclassName.getTotalLength()
    stroke-dashoffset: 800;    
    animation: offset 5s linear forwards;



And animating other attributes that simply cannot be set/styled/changed via CSS..

Animating SVG with Javascript

Demo: Fullstack drawing



Javascript:  Snap 


Creating SVG: Adobe Illustrator / Boxy SVG (Chrome Extension)


1. SVG Basics  (Treehouse)

2. Web Animation (CodeSchool)

3. Animating SVG with CSS (Treehouse)



Animating SVG with CSS and Snap.svg

By Karen mao

Animating SVG with CSS and Snap.svg

Fronteers, October 2014, Amsterdam.

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