
Main characters in the film "The addicts" are not drugs, alcohol not gambling addicts. They are a computer, video games, and Internet addicts. That is a new addiction and the experts say that not only the addicts are affected with this, but also their families and with that society in total.

I have read in media about one 48-year old teacher who was so addicted to some video game that he started to play it all night long. He would then go to work tired and unfocused. He realized that he has to do something when he faced his divorce and losing his job. Media also share stories about games addictions that had a tragic end and they also write the most of those happen in the Far East.

Internet and video games addiction in Croatia is also not a small problem because in recent years we saw few hospital wards open for treating those addictions. Since last year there is a day clinic in St. Ivan hospital in Zagreb that is dealing with cyber addictions. I have read that group therapy is the main treatment method which they use.

Group therapy also appears in the film "The addicts". Main characters are telling their addictions stories on their group therapy session. In the end, we find out that the therapist himself is also an addict. Authors of the film have also mentioned Youtubers in a humorous way. Namely, one of the characters is secretly filming therapies and decides to put it on his blog. Some of the real life and very popular bloggers are in the same way using every possible situation and even some inappropriate like suicide.


I think that it is good for children's films to also open topics like computer and video game addictions because experts say that the number of the addicts is growing among the younger population. According to some estimations stated in Slobodna Dalmacija newspaper, there are between 50 and 100 thousand Internet and video games addicts in Croatia.​

prepared by Kara Obćević

Ovisnici - Krala Obcevic

By karlica

Ovisnici - Krala Obcevic

The addicts - the comment on the film by Karla Obcevic

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