Introduction to Node.js

What is Node.js ?

It is an Open Source, Cross Platform JavaScript runtime

for building diverse variety of tools and applications


Open Source ?

Open Source means source is available to public.

Node.js source code is available here

Cross Platform ?

It works on all platforms, meaning - all Operating Systems - Mac OS X, Linux and Windows , covering different architectures : 32-bit, 64-bit, ARM

JavaScript Runtime ?

We know that JavaScript code runs in the browser environment.

Now the magic is, JavaScript code can run in

Node.js environment

So what ?

What's so cool about Node.js environment ?

What is the magic ?



Node.js actually provides an API - Application Programming Interface - a set of functions, in JavaScript,

to access the Computer's File System and Network.


It can handle Input-Output in a non-blocking manner.

It's used mostly for Input Output bound process,

unlike CPU bound process.

Where can Js code run ?

Browsers! Of course!

Now you know Js code can run in computer

and access your File System, Network using Node.js APIs.

So, guess what ?

You can create cross platform Desktop Apps using Js!

Where else can Js code run ?

In robots! Create robots with Js!


It can run on the mobile! You can create mobile Apps using Js!

New to Js ?

Introduction to Node

By Karuppiah N

Introduction to Node

A small introduction to node

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