11 september 2017
kathleen luschek, hamilton library
what is it? how does it work? how do i sign up?
what is ORCID?
- Open Researcher & Contributor ID
- provides a persistent digital identifier
- open, transparent, & non-proprietary
- free
- non-profit
what is included in an iD?
- 16-digit number
- compatible w/the International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI), ISO Standard
- e.g., https://orcid.org/0000-0001-2345-6789
- only assigned by the ORCID Registry
- random block of numbers
- supports 37 types of "works"
what is [not] included in the iD?
- no information about a person
- no information about a person's career
- no country
- no institution
- no field of study
who is using ORCID?
- 712 member organizations
- in 2016, 8 publishers required authors to have an iD
- Royal Society
- American Geophysical Union
- Hindawi
- Science
- as of today: 3,816,503 ORCID iDs registered
why do we need ORCID? part i
- common names
- multiple names
Martin Fenner
- M Fenner
- MH Fenner
- Martin H. Fenner
- Martin Hellmut Fenner
Martin Fenner
why do we need ORCID? part ii
- transition from science to e-science
- can mine scholarly publications (open)
- constantly updated digital CV
- built on open source software
- encourages mining of open data
- encourages use of open API
- interoperable with other ID systems
- Scopus & Figshare have developed tools for exporting/importing data from/to ORCID
getting started
- add other versions of your name
- abbreviated first name
- married/single name
- name in different character set
- import publications
- add additional email addresses
- add bio & personal websites
- add education & employment
- add funding!
privacy & linking
- visibility
- everyone
- trusted party
- only me
- can add trusted source
- link work
- link funding
- sort: most recent first
- grouped works
- preferred source
- editable
your turn!
thank you!
By Kathleen Luschek
CIS 720 Seminar, UHM Library
- 630