Regular Events
Hacknight, Every other Tuesday
WebDev101 Every other Tuesday (am)
Dom's Coffee House
Python Code Dojo Once a month, next one
27 Feb
One-off workshops Recently did workshop on TDD
Suggestions welcome
Mentoring program
Recurse Center (formerly HackerSchool) New York
OpenTechSchool worldwide (started in Berlin)
CodeSelfStudy Berkeley
Photo copyright © Introvert and used under a Creative Commons license.
- Peer education, given freely
- Not tied to any commercial organisation
- Relying on intrinsic motivation
What they have in common
From P2PU
Encoding Codehub
I'm trying to write a constitution
Questions (Help wanted)
Who would be on it? How to divide up tasks?
What should we spend money on and how
do we fund ourselves?
Some ideas / principles
Lean leadership and management
Minimal admin
Avoiding burnout (by splitting up tasks and rotating responsibilities, being “good enough”)
I think the web makes this possible
Three people who manage and represent (officially Chair, Secretary, Treasurer)
'Board' of about 10 members who make decision about events, sponsorship etc
Guidelines on how to set up new groups and run events, let people self-organise
Experiment a lot
Collect, document, collaborate
Resources on self-learning and self-organisation
Kio Stark: Don't go back to school
Dave Hoover, Adewale Oshineye: Apprenticeship patterns
Peeragogy Handbook
Frederic Laloux: Reinventing Organisations
Adrienne Maree Brown: Emergent Strategy
Thank you!!!
to everybody who contributed
and made things possible this far
And thanks for listening
Tonight's sponsor
Regular Sponsor
Codehub Plans
By Katja Durrani
Codehub Plans
- 920