"crazy" job fair

the merchant of dreams

not much about this

  • Office worker dreams of becoming one night a great actor. The businessman wants to manage multi-ton structure.
  • A psychiatrist wants 20 days off to meet 20 girls from 20 different countries.
  • How to translate their dreams into reality? One company in Chicago is implementing any of the fantasies and desires of their customers.

the merchant of dreams


  • Abilities / Psychologist.

I think to become a great merchant of dreams, you need to be in some degree a psychologist. After all, if you don't understand the person who came to you, you're not helping. 


  • Very rich

It is a very profitable profession, you can earn more than 150,000 dollars for one admission .

Tester water rides

Another interesting profession is

the tester of water rides

The public wants to know what the water Park of the world's most interesting and twisted slides and in the pool at some water clean as a tear.

Oddly enough, this area has its own experts. They travels the world, experiencing all the amusement water on yourself, tell everyone — and are the object of burning envy of those who sit in the office .

about this job


  • You do not need any abilities, important not to be afraid to ride a roller coaster and have fun


  • Travel a lot around the world, you have the chance to experience the newest roller coaster and a lot of fun + for it you still pay

other "crazy" job

  • The controller the quality of the dice
  • Equalizer pillows
  • Security analyst coconut trees

Presentation is done



"Безумная" профессия

By Katrin S

"Безумная" профессия

  • 661