Documenting the Open Web
Making information on web technologies open and accessible
A little about me
Kaustav Das Modak
Developer Evangelist, FusionCharts
Mozilla Representative
What is the Open Web?
Publish content and applications on the web in open standards
Code and implement the web standards that content/apps depend on
Access and use content / code / web-apps / implementations
- Tantek Çelik
3 key takeaways about Open Web
Transparent standards
Information about those standards
Access to those information for everyone

Is the web really "open"?
so far...
Principles behind the Open Web
Enable others
Share knowledge
Passion to build great products, collaboratively

Technologies of the open web

Are there enough information on these technologies?
Yes to an extent, but scattered.
Articles on tech magazines
Demo projects
These information need to be curated and ported to accessible platforms.
Who need these information?
- Developers learning these technologies
- Developers who need a quick reference for these technologies
- Anyone new to the web, getting introduced to technologies behind the web
- You, me and

How do we make these information accessible?
What have they achieved?
Mozilla Developer Network
Global contributor base, backed by Mozilla
In-depth information on a wide range of topics
New project, in its alpha phase
Gathering initial momentum
Where can you contribute?
Mozilla Developer Network
Help create page summaries and editorial reviews
Create live code samples
Do technical reviews of existing articles
Write a new article on a topic that you know
Contribute to the codebase!
Where can you contribute?
Pick a topic which is in progress and help complete a section
Review existing articles
Contribute to code base (it is MediaWiki!)
What you need to know to contribute
Any of the web technologies
A passion to write (content or code)
For webdevs, knowledge of Python/PHP
Willingness to contribute to a larger cause
And of course, some free time!
Be the Open Web Ninja!

Questions here or tweet to @kaustavdm
I scribble at
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