Billing Test Suite



  • Increase dev confidence in test writing

  • Sync on styling, file structure, testing tools

Covering A lot

  • File structure changes

    • Accounts used for testing and where to find them

    • Global variables available

    • Sharding - running tests locally

    • Structure for setting up mock data

  • Test writing better practices and styles, including:

    • Turning story requirements into tests

    • Tools: rx-page-objects, rxTable, rxMetadata

    • Better practices for initializing variables, variable reuse, page search/redirect placement, element selectors


file structure changes

test accounts

global vars



mock data

test writing






Better practices

  • initializing variables
  • variable reuse
  • page search/redirect placement
  • element selectors

Covered A lot

  • File structure changes

    • Accounts used for testing and where to find them

    • Global variables available

    • Sharding - running tests locally

    • Structure for setting up mock data

  • Test writing better practices and styles, including:

    • Turning story requirements into tests

    • Tools: rx-page-objects, rxTable, rxMetadata

    • Better practices for initializing variables, variable reuse, page search/redirect placement, element selectors

Are we closer?

  • Increase dev confidence in test writing​

  • Sync on styling, file structure, testing tools

Billing Test Suite

By Kayden Arias Sharky Althen

Billing Test Suite

Presentation for Billing UI Developers

  • 2,067