Google I/O 2018 Recap

Ken Baldauf

Key Topics

  • Android Jetpack
  • AndroidX
  • Dev Console Updates
  • ML Kit

Android Jetpack

  • Set of components and tools to make great Android apps
  • Brings together the existing Support Library and Android Components

Android Jetpack

Android KTX

  • Alpha Release
  • Jetpack: Foundation
  • Series of Kotlin Extensions
  • Simplifies interaction with the Android SDK and Support Library


  • Alpha Release
  • Jetpack: Behavior
  • Enhancement to App Actions
  • Allows the display of app's UI inside Google Assistant or Google Search app
  • The UI templates support back to Android 4.4


  • Alpha Release
  • Jetpack: Architecture
  • Specify deferrable, asynchronous tasks with guaranteed execution
  • Removes need for device or API specific async logic
  • Handles choosing between JobScheduler, JobDispatcher and AlarmManager


  • Stable Release
  • Jetpack: Architecture
  • Facilitates easy loading & presentation of large data sets with fast, infinite scrolling
  • Made for use with RecyclerView


  • Alpha Release
  • Jetpack: Architecture
  • Advocates single Activity apps as the preferred architecture
  • Define transitions then let the system build the proper back stack
  • Manages the complexity of FragmentTransactions for you

Key Topics

  • Android Jetpack
  • AndroidX
  • Dev Console Updates
  • ML Kit


  • Support library revamp
  • Support library and architecture components are moving from the android package to androidx package


  • android package
    • Libraries bundled with OS
    • Different APIs or behavior based on OS version
  • androidx package
    • Libraries unbundled from OS
    • Ship in you APK
    • Consistent API & behavior across all OS versions

AndroidX Versioning

  • Resets library versions from 28.0.0 to 1.0.0 
  • Strict semantic versioning
    • Major version indicates binary compatibility
    • Version 1.5.0 will work with 1.7.0, but not 2.0.0

Key Topics

  • Android Jetpack
  • AndroidX
  • Dev Console Updates
  • ML Kit

Dev Console Updates

  • Android App Bundle 
  • Internal Test Track
  • Additional Reporting & Data
  • Target API Requirements

Android App Bundle

  • Reduces APK size
  • Dynamic Delivery
    • APKs optimized for device configs
    • 1 App Bundle = Many APKs
  • Dynamic Feature Modules
    • Download components as needed
    • Similar to instant apps

Internal Test Track

  • Private internal testing
    • Up to 100 testers
    • Support for multiple closed test track for different versions of your app
    • Builds are released to internal testers in seconds
  • Allows alpha & beta channels to be kept free for public testing

Additional Reporting & Data

  • Prelaunch Report
    • Automatically runs alpha & beta versions of the app against popular device via Firebase Test Lab
  • More Android Vitals Data
    • Data on things like startup times and permission denials

Target API Level Requirements

  • All apps must target API level 26 or higher
    • Starting August 2018 for new apps
    • Starting November 2018 for app updates

Key Topics

  • Android Jetpack
  • AndroidX
  • Dev Console Updates
  • ML Kit

ML Kit

  • Part of Firebase
  • Machine Learning APIs for mobile
    • Text Recognition
    • Face Detection
    • Barcode Scanning
    • Image Labeling
    • Landmark Recognition

Key Topics

  • Android Jetpack
  • AndroidX
  • Dev Console Updates
  • ML Kit


Google I/O 2018 Recap

By Kenneth Baldauf

Google I/O 2018 Recap

A recap of the latest Android developments from Google I/O 2018

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