Android MVP Architecture

Ken Baldauf

Software Engineer @ Originate

What's MVP?

  • Model-View-Presenter
    • M: Data layer
    • V: UI
    • P: Middle-man

Why MVP?

  • Separation of concerns
    • Decouple code
  • Easier to test
    • Improve unit testability
  • Cleaner code

Android MVP

Presenter/View Interfaces

 * Interface for presenters that can be used with DemoViews
public interface DemoPresenter<V extends DemoView> {

     * Method used to attach a view to the presenter
    void attachView(V view);
     * Method used to detach the previously attached view from the presenter
    void detachView();
 * Interface for views that can be attached to DemoPresenters
public interface DemoView {



 * Base implementation of the DemoPresenter
public class BasePresenter<V extends DemoView> implements DemoPresenter<V> {

    private V view;

    public void attachView(V view) {
        // store the given DemoView in a private member variable
        this.view = view;

    public void detachView() {
        // clear the stored DemoView
        view = null;


 * Provides subclasses of BasePresenter access to the attached DemoView
protected V getView() {
    return view;

 * Informs subclasses of BasePresenter whether or not a DemoView is attached
protected boolean isViewAttached() {
    return view != null;
 * Base implementation of the DemoPresenter
public class BasePresenter<V extends DemoView> implements DemoPresenter<V> {

    private V view;

    public void attachView(V view) {
        // store the given DemoView in a private member variable
        this.view = view;

    public void detachView() {
        // clear the stored DemoView
        view = null;

     * Provides subclasses of BasePresenter access to the attached DemoView
    protected V getView() {
        return view;

     * Informs subclasses of BasePresenter whether or not a DemoView is attached
    protected boolean isViewAttached() {
        return view != null;

Next Steps

  • View interface
    • Activity
    • Fragment
    • Custom View
  • Android-free presenter

Example Models

public class Course {
    public String name;
    public List<Student> students;

public class Student {
    public String id; // unique student id
    public String name;

View Interface

 * Interface exposed to CoursePresenters for updating the course screen's UI
public interface CourseView extends DemoView { }
 * Informs the view that the loading spinner should be hidden
void hideLoadingSpinner();
 * Informs the view that the network error message should be displayed
void showErrorMessage();

View Interface

 * Informs the view of the student that has been found
void studentFound(String studentName);
 * Informs the view that no student has been found with the given id number
void studentNotFound(String number);
 * Informs the view that the title should be updated to the given title
void updateViewTitle(String title);
 * Interface exposed to CoursePresenters for updating the course screen's UI
public interface CourseView extends DemoView {
     * Informs the view that the loading spinner should be hidden
    void hideLoadingSpinner();
     * Informs the view that the network error message should be displayed
    void showErrorMessage();
     * Informs the view of the student that has been found
    void studentFound(String studentName);
     * Informs the view that no student has been found with the given id number
    void studentNotFound(String number);
     * Informs the view that the title should be updated to the given title
    void updateViewTitle(String title);

View Implementation

public class CourseActivity extends Activity implements CourseView    

    private CoursePresenter presenter;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        presenter = new CoursePresenter;

    protected void onDestroy() {

    void onClick() {

    /* Implementation of CourseView methods */

View Presenter

public class CoursePresenter extends BasePresenter<CourseView> {

    private List<Student> students;

    public void attachView() {
        DataManager.loadCourse(new CallBack() {
                    public void onSuccess(List<Student> result) {
                        if (isViewAttached()) {
                            students = result;
                    public void onError(Throwable error) {
                        if (isViewAttached()) {

View Presenter

    public void detachView() {
        roster = null;

     * Passes the student's name back to the attached view
     * @param the string representation of the matching student's name
    private void studentFound(String name) {
        if (isViewAttached()) {

     * Passes the id number that wasn't found back to the attached view
     * @param the string representation of the searched id number
    private void studentNotFound(String number) {
        if (isViewAttached()) {

View Presenter

     * Checks to see if the the course contains a student 
     * with the matching id number
     * and passes the result back to the attached view
     * @param the string representation of the id number to lookup
    public void findStudent(String number) {
        if (! TextUtils.isEmpty(number)) {
            for (Student student : students) {
                if (number.equals( {

Initial Conclusions

  • Android SDK dependencies isolated within the view
    • Easy to unit test
  • Presenter handles all business logic
  • View remains UI centric
    • Updates UI at the request of the presenter
    • Forwards user interaction to the presenter

Mockito Quick Overview

  • Create mock objects
  • Mock and verify object interactions
  • Test functionality in isolation
// mock creation
DataManager mockedDataManager = 
// stub a method
List<Student> students = 
    new ArrayList<>();

// verify a method was called

Attach/Detach Test

    public void setup() {
        DataManager mockDataManager = mock(DataManager.class);
        presenter = new RosterPresenter(mockDataManager);
        mockView = mock(CourseView.class);

    public void testDetachView() {





Network Result Test

    public void setup() {
        DataManager mockDataManager = mock(DataManager.class);
        presenter = new RosterPresenter(mockDataManager);
        mockView = mock(CourseView.class);

    public void testLoadCourseSuccess() {
            .thenReturn(Callback.success(new ArrayList()));

    public void testLoadCourseFailure() {
            .thenReturn(Callback.error(new Throwable()));

Final Conclusions

  • Breaks the app up into easy to understand components
  • MVP + Mockito allow us to test functionality in isolation
  • Manually managing presenter lifecycle can be tricky



By Kenneth Baldauf


Introduction to Model-View-Presenter architecture in Android

  • 910