Spring MVC Apps With Groovy

Kunal Dabir


Why Groovy?

because its groovy :)

what are the options? 

  • JVM -> Scala, Clojure, Kotlin, Ceylon ? 
  • Other-> Ruby, Python, PHP

Reality Check

You are on existing project, Can you now :

  • Change Language ?
  • Change Framework/Architecture?
  • Add a Library?
  • Add a plugin to Build?

Why Groovy ?

Language overheads are minimal 

like, optional semicolon, optional return, optional function parens  etc.

Native language level support for map and lists,

def list = ["groovy", "spring", "hibernate"]

Operators overloaded intelligently 

list << "rocks"


Sensible Defaults

Class public by default, Fields private by default, 

Methods public by default,

Automatic accessors (properties)


Optional Typing  - def


String templates,

Multiline strings,

 First class regex,

Awesome Builders (MarkupBuilder,
 SwingBuilder, AntBuilder)

Why With Spring-MVC and Hibernate?

Easy to add in existing projects

If you are just making the switch

Hate learning curve of yet another framework


Use Grails, Gaelyk (GAE), Ruby on Rails, 
Django, Sinatra, Node.js .... 

pick your poison


Download the code from :

spring mvc and groovy

By Kunal Dabir

spring mvc and groovy

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