Strategies for
supporting child care in North Carolina

Liz Bell
Senior reporter
Katie Dukes
Policy analyst
EdNC is a nonprofit organization established to provide
an independent source of news, data, & analysis
about education for the people of North Carolina.

Support for young children
Research shows investments in early childhood bring higher return than investments at any other stage of life
Vast majority of human brain development occurs in first three years of life
Strengthening neural connections during this critical period leads to:
- improved health
- lower incarceration rates
- better educational outcomes
- greater workforce readiness

Support for our economy
North Carolina ranked Top State for Business by CNBC two years in a row
- 2022: "putting partisanship aside"
- 2023 warning: "the political harmony that has helped [make] the state so competitive is fading"
Investment in early care & education enables parents to fully participate in the labor force
Economy is stronger when parents can earn family-sustaining wages knowing their children are safe and cared for

Systemic problems require
systemic solutions.

North Carolina
was a leader
and can be again.

- MI > Tri-Share
- State
- Employers
- Employees
- VT > LGK convening business leaders
- "Tax me."
- NC Chamber of Commerce + Chamber Foundation
- Local Chambers
- Dept. of Commerce Child Care Business Liaison
- Samantha Cole
Strategy 1: Advocacy from
the business community

- OR > Parent Advisory Council + Preschool for All in Multnomah Co.
- MA > "The 9:30 Call"
- VT > LGK dashboard
- NM > Support for early childhood political candidates
- Lots of advocacy orgs
- First 2,000 Days
- CandL
- NDWA of NC
- "Unicorns"
- Shay Jackson
- Kate Goodwin
Strategy 2:
Grassroots organizing

- Cabinet-level early childhood departments
- VT > Building
Bright Futures - NM > Legislative Finance Committee
- "Disalignment"
- DPI = K-12 system
- Model of Smart Start infrastructure
Strategy 3:
Streamlining governance

- NM > Land Grant Permanent Fund + Early Childhood Education & Care Fund
- OR > Student Success Act + Early Childhood Equity Fund
- VT > Act 76's Child Care Contribution
- Expert suggestions
- Education Lottery
- State child tax credit
- Opioid settlement
- Leandro
- "Rainy day fund"
- NC Pre-K + Smart Start infrastructure
Strategy 4: Identifying/
creating new funding streams

North Carolina can
lead the way
in early childhood
policy & investment;
babies can't wait.

By kdukes
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