• deck

  • Gender & Sexuality in NZ

    An overview of gender and sexuality in New Zealand

  • Reparations

    Essential questions for considering reparations

  • Intro to Iran & the Rezaians

    A brief overview of Iranian / American relations and experiences of Jason & Yegi Rezaian

  • Socialization

    A simple framework for understanding socialization and its agents

  • Margaret Garner

    Evaluating the morality of her choices given the historical context in which they were made

  • 2nd Amendment

    Just the text of the 2nd Amendment as a tool for discussion

  • Sleeping

    A simple introduction to sleep and sleep hygiene.

  • The Future of Policing

    Providing students with basic background on criminal justice so they can propose reforms.

  • Race and...​Colonialism

  • Race and... Identity

    Helping students understand that while race is a social construction, it still has massive historical impact.

  • Flint is Sad

    An overview of Flint, MI's economic and racial history, leading up to the Flint Water Crisis.

  • Nonviolent Direct Action (NVDA)

    An introduction to how the Congress on Racial Equality (CORE) trained civil rights advocates in nonviolent direct action.

  • The Negro Motorist Green Book

    An introduction to and exploration of the Negro Motorist Green Book and its relevance today.

  • Slavery Propaganda

    How pro-slavery forces responded to the pressures of anti-slavery forces in the early 1800s.

  • The Second ​Middle Passage

    A look into some of the numbers behind the forced migration of enslaved people from the Upper South to the Deep South after the invention of the cotton gin.

  • Gabriel's Rebellion

    A look at the revolutionaries who inspired Gabriel's Rebellion, as well as the rebellion itself.

  • Family History of Sally Hemings

    An outline of the Hemings family tree and it's intersection with the Jefferson family.

  • Birth Control Movement

    Overview up to the first modern birth control movement in the early 20th century.

  • The Committee on Public Information

    An introduction to the propaganda work of the CPI during WWI.

  • Washington & DuBois

    Get to know the early lives of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois. Also includes a Washington's "Atlanta Compromise" speech and DuBois's response from "The Souls of Black Folks."

  • Taylorism

    How a Progressive idea can have unintended consequences

  • Considering Confederate Monuments

    Using the topic of Confederate monuments as a way to practice active listening skills.

  • The War on Drugs

  • Issues in American Presidential Elections

  • A Brief History of Policing in America

    A casual outline for a classroom overview and discussion of policing in America. (Has the potential to be edited to include full explanations of each point within each slide.)

  • Intersectional Feminism

    An introduction to intersectional feminism.

  • Origins of Affluenza

    An examination of affluenza in the context of residential segregation.

  • Gross National Happiness

    An exploration of Gross National Happiness as a measure of national success.

  • Flint Water Crisis - Part 1

    An introduction to Flint Water Crisis, specifically some history behind the emergency management of the city.

  • Introducing Privilege

    An introduction to the concept of privilege designed for upper level high school students.

  • Origins of Sociology

    What is sociology? How did it originate? Who were it's early practitioners?

  • Affirmative Action

    Why affirmative action was instituted and where it stands today.

  • Hip Hop Timeline

    An audio/visual timeline of hip hop. Not remotely comprehensive, just representative.

  • #Watergate

    A brief introduction to the Watergate scandal and instructions for the #Watergate classroom activity.

  • Residential Segregation

    An overview of residential segregation

  • Race and... Housing: From Red Summer to Redlining

    How restrictive covenants and redlining have impacted black communities.

  • Portrayals of Race

    Some examples of how African Americans were portrayed in media between 1900 & 1940.

  • Germany after WWII

    (or "How Not to Repeat the Mistakes of WWI")

  • Legacy of Lynching

    Understanding the legacy of lynching through a February 2015 report by the Equal Justice Initiative and other resources.

  • Codifying Racial Oppression after Reconstruction

    With the failure of Reconstruction, Southern Democrats implemented laws designed specifically to oppress African Americans and retain the system of white supremacy.

  • Introducing "Trending Topics"

    An introduction to a weekly activity based on current events.

  • Pre-Colonial African Tradition

    An alternative look at mapping Africa and examining its oral traditions and early civilizations.

  • Race as a Social Construct

    Helping students understand that while race is a social construction, it still has the potential to impact our lives significantly.

  • Postwar Timeline

    A brief timeline of American history between 1950 and 1974.

  • Words & Culture

    Sociological introduction to the relationship between language and culture, linking to video and audio excerpts from Radiolab's "Words" episode.

  • Sociological Imagination: The Promise

    Instructions for a classroom activity using an excerpt from the first chapter of "The Sociological Imagination" by C. Wright Mills.

  • Straightwashing the Civil Rights Movement

    A look at the life of Bayard Rustin, the gay black man behind much of the Civil Rights Movement.